Image Editing with GIMP

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is one the most popular free, open source image editors and alternatives to Adobe Photoshop available. This workshop is a beginner’s introduction, highlighting a few practical applications of image editing to help familiarize users with a variety of tools and general navigation of the software.

Participants will be familiar with the following by the end of this workshop:

  1. The common uses of GIMP 
  2. How to access basic tools and navigate menus
  3. How to use layers
  4. How to do simple edits to a photograph (healing tool, convert to black and white, increase contrast, crop)
  5. How to resize an image for easier online sharing
  6. How to use Open As Layers to insert an image into a project
  7. How to use the Color Picker tool to select a color and use the Bucket Fill tool to add color to an area
  8. How to use the Foreground Select Tool

Click here to see if there are upcoming dates scheduled for this workshop. View the workshop lesson plan here: Image Editing for Beginners with GIMP.