Intro to Data Management Plans

Aimed at grad student and faculty researchers, this workshop reviews the key components of a data management plan and offers guidance on how to improve the management of your research data for long-term use and preservation.

In this hands-on session, participants will have the opportunity to create their own data management plan using the online DMP Assistant platform.

DMP Assistant is a bilingual tool for preparing data management plans (DMPs). The tool follows best practices in data stewardship and walks researchers step-by-step through key questions about data management.

  • Create an account and select a template to start writing your DMP
  • Answer the questions that are relevant to your work, and follow guidance embedded
  • Add collaborators to your DMP to co-edit or review
  • Export your DMP into a PDF or other file format to share with granting agencies and colleagues


View Lesson Plan: Introduction to Data Management Plans

Check our upcoming workshop schedule.