Unpublished Conference Proceedings



2023 (August)  VanderZwaag, B., Bonnieux, J., Garcia-Romeu, A., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. From Field to Fungi: The Role of Psilocybin Assisted Therapy in Athlete Concussion Recovery. Poster presented in Insight 2023, Berlin, Germany.

2023 (June) Contreras, A., Mueller, U., Zuber, S., Garcia-Barrera, M., Light, E., & Mahy, C.  Relations Between Different Aspects of Parenting and Children’s Development of Executive Functions. Symposium talk at the Jean Piaget Society Conference 2023, Madrid, Spain

2023 (April)  Bonnieux, J., Dupriez-Mitchell, B., & Garcia-Barrera, M. Executive function task complexity according to experts: An analysis of survey responses. Poster presented at the Making Waves Undergraduate Research Conference in Psychology at the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.

2023 (April) Dupriez-Mitchell, B., Bonnieux, J., & Garcia-Barrera, M. Influences of affective value in task-based measures of executive function. Poster presented at the Making Waves Undergraduate Research Conference in Psychology at the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.

2022 (June) Dougall, N., Kennedy, C. J., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Implications and Considerations for Using Remote Web-Based Testing for Cognitive Research. [Invited symposia]. The Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science Annual Meeting, Victoria, B.C.

2022 (June)  Bonnieux, J., VanderZwaag, B., Premji, Z., Garcia-Romeu, A., & Garcia-Barrera, M. Cognition and psilocybin study: A scoping review. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Calgary, AB, Canada.

2022 (April)  Bonnieux, J., VanderZwaag, B., & Garcia-Barrera, M. Cognition and psilocybin study: A scoping review. Poster presented at the Making Waves Undergraduate Research Conference in Psychology at the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.

2021 (September) Webber, A. M., Contreras, A., Milligan, K., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A.  Pre-pandemic stress and current mood predicts sedentary older adults’ social and psychological stress about COVID-19. Oral presentation at the 8th ISPAH Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada

2021 (June) Contreras, A., Sánchez, J. P., Dougall, N., Milligan, K., Doucette, M., Agate, T., Webber, A., &. Executive Functions Serve as a Mood Protective Factor in Older Adults: A Study in Canada. Oral live presentation at XI Congreso Internacional Cerebro y Mente “Una Neuropsicología para el siglo XXI”.

 2020 (July) Doucette, M., Wong, R.E., du Plessis, S., & Garcia-Barrera, M.A.  The influence of competitiveness on sports-related concussion reporting in high, low or no contact sports. The International Neuropsychological Society 2020 Conference, Virtual.

2018 (May)  Kenny, R. A., Varga, A., Mayo, C., Gawryluk, J., Garcia-Barrera, M. A., & Christie, B. Does repetitive, intentional heading cause sub-concussive injury in the young adult brain? 12th Annual Canadian Association for Neuroscience Meeting. Vancouver, BC.

2018 (May) Musteata, S., Taneja, C., Direnfeld, E., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Are teacher ratings of self-regulation more accurate than parent ratings in children with acquired brain injuries? 12th Annual Canadian Association for Neuroscience Meeting. Vancouver, BC.

2017 (July)  Halliday, D. W. R., Mulligan, B., Schmidt, S., Garrett, D., Hundza, S. R., Garcia-Barrera, M. A., Stawski, R. S., & MacDonald, S. W. S. Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Index Neural Variability in Older Adults During an Executive Function Task. Presented at the International Neuropsychological Society, Cape Town, South Africa, July 5-8, 2017.


2016 (September) Garcia-Barrera, MA. 50 years of Colombian Armed Conflict: Examining empathy and emotional processing in guerrilla and paramilitary ex-combatants reincorporated to civil life. Invited colloquium for the Latin American Research Group (LARG) at UVic. 


2016 (October) Halliday, D.W.R. , Mulligan, B.P., Schmidt, S., Garrett, D.D., Hundza, S.R., Garcia-Barrera, M.A., Stawski, R.S., & MacDonald, S.W.S. (2016). Neural Variability as an Indicator of Age-Related Cognitive Function. Biannual meeting of the Society for functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), Paris, France

2016 (May) Maja, R. A., Karr, J. E., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Executive Functioning. Poster scheduled for presentation at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of Northwest Cognition and Memory, Vancouver, British Columbia.

2016 (March) Irwin, J. K., Oslund, K. R., Cullen, H. M., Kennedy, S., Zehr, E. P., Garcia-Barrera, M. A., & Christie, B. R.  Psychological and Cognitive Factors in Concussion Assessment and Recovery. Poster presented at Pecha Kucha Biomedica Artistica, University of Victoria

2016 (March) Wong, J., Irwin, J.K., Cullen, H. M., Zehr, E. P., Garcia-Barrera, M., & Christie, B. R. (2016). We know that our arm is healed when the cast comes off but how do we tell when our brain has healed from a concussion? Poster presented at Pecha Kucha Biomedica Artistica, University of Victoria

2015 (October) Halliday, D. R. W., Commandeur, D., Hundza, S. R. Garcia-Barrera, M. A., Klimstra, M., Lukyn, T., & MacDonald, S. W. S. Comparing Executive Function, Evoked Haemodynamic Response, and Gait as Predictors of Variations in Mobility for Older Adults. Poster presented at Canadian Association of Gerontology, Calgary, AB. 

2015 (April)   Garcia-Barrera, M. A., Karr, J. E., Gordon, I. Comparación de los efectos positivos de la actividad deportiva contra los efectos negativos de las concusiones en el deporte, en las funciones ejecutivas [Comparison of the positive effects of sports activity versus the negative effects of sports concussions on executive functions]. Invited talk at the Institute of Neurosciences Colloquium Series, University of Guadalajara (Guadalajara, Mexico). 

2014 (June) Cochrane, M., Smart, C. M., & Garcia-Barrera, M.A. Executive function contributions to emotion regulation in the relationship between stress and psychopathology in emerging adulthood. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association, Annual Convention, Vancouver, BC.

2014 (May) Duggan, E. C., Lim, R., Sutton, K. A., Karr, J. E., Moore, W. R., Areshenkoff, C. N., Gordon, I., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A.  Updating working memory and inhibition in athletes: Examining the neural markers of concussion. Paper presented at the Northwest Cognition and Memory Conference, Victoria, BC.

2014 (May) Moore, W. R., Karr, J. E., Duggan, E. C., Areshenkoff, C., Gordon, I., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Reward/valence processing and attention shifting in athletes: Examining the neural markers of concussion. Paper presented at the Northwest Cognition and Memory Conference, Victoria, BC.

2014 (November) Garcia-Barrera, M.A. The elusive executive control construct and our attempts to capture its latent nature. Invited colloquium at the Simon Fraser University, Department of Psychology, Clinical Science Area Seminar.

2014 (October) Halliday, D. W. R., Tong, O. Hundza, S.R., Garcia-Barrera, M. A., Lukyn, T., Klimstra, M. & MacDonald, S. W. S. Exploring behavioural performance and cortical haemodynamic response differences in executive function for older adults varying in mobility. Poster presented at the biannual meeting of the Society for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (SfNIRS), Montreal, QC.

2013 (May) Moore, W. R., Garcia-Barrera, M. A., Davidow, J. H., Baker, T. E., & Holroyd, C. B. (2013). A neurophysiological marker of anticipation, dopamine, and reinforcement learning in developmental stuttering. Paper presentation at the North West Conference of Cognition and Memory, Vancouver, BC.

2013 (May) Garcia-Barrera, M. A., Karr, J. E., Areshenkoff, C. N., Jewett, D. C., Tutt, G. D., & McMynn, C. Systematic Review of Meta-analyses and Empirical Examination of Executive Functions in Young Athletes with Concussions. Poster presented at the 2013 International Sports Concussion Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

2013 (June) Karr, J. E., Areshenkoff, C. N., Crevier-Quintin, E., & Garcia-Barrera, M.A. The benefits of physical and cognitive training programs on executive functions among older adults: a meta-analytical comparison. Poster presented at the Research on Aging Event during the 2013 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Victoria, British Columbia.

2013 (June) Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Executive Function: What actually is this and how is it useful to educators? Spotlight Session at the Knowledge Mobilization Day for Educators. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) and Canadian Association of Educational Psychology (CAEP) Annual Conference at CONGRESS, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia.

2013 (April) Garcia-Barrera, M. A. La función ejecutiva: Avances en la definición de un constructo impreciso y poco operativo [Executive Function: Progress in the definition of an imprecise and non-operationalizable construct]. Invited lecture at the Universidad Autonóma de Madrid (Spain).

2013 (April) Karr, J.E., Garcia-Barrera, M. A., Kerns, K. A., Mueller, U., Baron, I. S., & Litman, F. R. Derivation of a Behavioral Executive Functioning Screener in Preschoolers using a Latent Variable Approach. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington.

2012 (October) Karr, J. E., Areshenkoff, C. N., Evans, J., Jewett, D., Nguyen, K., Tutt, G., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Physical Exercise versus Cognitive Training on Executive Functioning: It’s a Tie! A Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials during Healthy Aging, 2000-2011. Paper presented at the Forty-First Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Vancouver, British Columbia.

2012 (May) Moore, W. R., Garcia-Barrera, M., Baker, T., Holroyd, C. Neurophysiological markers of anticipation and error monitoring in developmental stuttering: A pilot study. Paper presented at the NOrthWest Cognition And Memory (NOWCAM) meeting, Vancouver, BC

2012 (March) Garcia-Barrera, M.  A. The eye of the storm: The story of an elusive executive control construct and the attempts to capture its soul. Cognition and Brain Sciences Seminar (CaBSSem). University of Victoria.

2012 (February) Karr, J.E., Jewett, D., Tutt, G., Evans, J., Nguyen, K., & Garcia-Barrera, M.A. The Relationship between Concussions, Neuroplasticity, and Executive Functioning in Athletic Populations: A Review. Poster presented at the Twenty-Second Annual Pacific Coast Brain Injury Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

2012 (February) Garcia-Mauricio, M. A. Assessment of and intervention with culturally and linguistically diverse clients.  Lecture at the UVic Department of Psychology Clinic Rounds.

2012 (April) Tutt, G., Garcia-Barrera, M. Perez-Hernandez, E. Novel Trends in White Matter Development: Larger Anterior Corpus Callosum Areas in a Spanish ADHD Sample. Poster presented at the Psychology Students of Vancouver Island Poster Session (PSOVIPS), University of Victoria.

2012 (April) Thomas, J. E. & Garcia-Barrera, M. Examining volumetric differences in the cerebellum of a Spanish sample of children with ADHD. Poster presented at the Psychology Students of Vancouver Island Poster Session (PSOVIPS), University of Victoria. 

2012 (April) Oberg, L., Smart, C., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Exploring the Relationship Between Anterior Cingulate Cortex Volume and Emotion Regulation Ability in Somatic Meditation Practitioners. Poster presented at the Jaime Cassels Undergraduate Research Fair, University of Antioquia.

2012 (April) Evans, J. T., Hatter, J. & Garcia-Barrera, M. PFC Recruitment in Pediatric Developmental Dyslexia: A Morphological Approach. Poster presented at the Psychology Students of Vancouver Island Poster Session (PSOVIPS), University of Victoria.

2012 (April) Areshenkoff, C. N. & Garcia-Barrera, M. Neural Mechanisms of Task Maintenance and Working Memory. Poster presented at the Psychology Students of Vancouver Island Poster Session (PSOVIPS), University of Victoria.

2011 (February) Garcia-Barrera, M.A. Introducing an Integrative Neuropsychological Theory of Executive-Related Abilities and Component Transactions (INTERACT).  Lecture at the UVic Department of Psychology Clinic Rounds.

2010 (May) Garcia-Barrera, M.A. “What does “executive functions” mean? – Revisiting a misunderstood and elusive construct toward a theoretical integration. Victoria Area Child Psychologist Conference-2010 [http://tinyurl.com/vacpc]. Victoria, BC.

2010 (March) Garcia-Barrera, M. A. ADHD and Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Differential Diagnosis. Lecture at the UVic Department of Psychology 503 Clinical Practicum Seminar.

2010 (April) Garcia-Barrera, M.A. Using structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging to study the Prefrontal Cortex. University of Victoria, Cognition and Brain Sciences Seminar. Victoria, BC. 

2010 (April) Garcia-Barrera, M.A. Studying the executive brain: a pilot sMRI volumetric parcellation of the Prefrontal Cortex in neurodevelopmental disorders. Texas A&M University, Neuroscience Seminar Series. College Station, Texas. 

2009 (October) Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. Lecture at the UVic Department of Psychology Clinic Rounds.

2009 (November) Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Use of Rating Scales in ADHD Diagnosis. Lecture at the UVic Department of Psychology 503 Clinical Practicum Seminar.

2009 (November) Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Use of Rating Scales in ADHD Diagnosis. Lecture at the UVic Department of Psychology 503 Clinical Practicum Seminar.

2009 (May) Hatter, J. & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. A morphological Analysis of Prefrontal Cortex Subregions in Children with ADHD. Poster session presented at the NOrthWest Cognition And Memory (NOWCAM) meeting, Victoria, BC.

2009 (May) Garcia-Barrera, M.A. Structural parcellation of the Prefrontal Cortex: Using neuroimaging to examine neural correlates of executive functioning. Guest Speaker. Universidad de Antioquia, Monthly Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Program Research Colloquium.  Medellin, Colombia.

2009 (May) Garcia-Barrera, M.A. Executive Functions: From theory to practice. Universidad Simon Bolivar. Master’s Program in Neuropsychology -Presidential Research Seminar, Barranquilla, Colombia.

2009 (May) Garcia-Barrera, M.A.  Executive Functions: Concept, Evaluation, & Diagnosis. Universidad de San Buenvenaventura, Master’s Program in Clinical Neuropsychology –Research Seminar Series, Medellin, Colombia.

2009 (January) Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Categorial versus Dimensional Models of ADHD diagnosis. Lecture at the UVic Department of Psychology Clinic Rounds.

2008 (August) Perna, R. B. & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. Rate of recovery from TBI and time since injury. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

2006 (April)   Garcia-Barrera, M. A., Pineda, D. A., Puerta, I. C., Aguirre, D. C., & Kamphaus, R. W. Discriminant validity analysis of psychological testing for ADHD diagnosis. Poster presented at the “Georgia Psychological Association, Annual Student Research Poster Session”, Atlanta, GA.

2005 (May) Garcia, M. A., Bloom, J. S., Gilger, J. W. & Hynd, G. W. Dyslexia: an approach to the analysis of its phenotypes. Poster presented at the Graduate Students Research Conference at the University of Georgia, College of Education. Athens, GA.

2005 (April)   Bloom, J. S., Garcia, M. A., & Hynd, G. W. Planum Temporale Morphology in Children with Developmental Dyslexia. Paper presentation given at the Dyslexia Research Collaborators Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden.

2004 (November) Gilger, J. W, Bloom, J. S., Garcia, M. A., & Hynd, G. W. Superior Nonverbal Abilities in Families of Children with Dyslexia: Neurological and Genetic Analysis. Paper presentation International Dyslexia Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

1999 (October) Garcia, M. A., & Tirado, V. C. Neuropsychological disorders due to occupational exposure to mercury vapor in El Bagre, Antioquia. Paper presentation given at the Second National Meeting of Developing Researchers. Medellín, Colombia.

1999 (March) Garcia, M. A., & Tirado, V. C. Neuropsychological disorders due to use of mercury vapor among gold workers in El Bagre (Antioquia, Colombia) In Electronic Memories of the First International Congress “Brain and Mind: The integration.” Cartagena, Colombia.

1999 (February) Garcia, M. A., & Tirado, V. C. Neuropsychological disorders due to occupational exposure to mercury vapor in El Bagre (Antioquia, Colombia). In Memories of the Second National Meeting of Developing Researchers. Medellín, Colombia.

1998 (March) Garcia, M. A., Lopera, F. J., Bobes, M. A.  ERP signs of abnormal face processing in one patient with Prosopagnosia. In Memories of the XIII International Scientific Congress of FELSOCEM, Cartagena, Colombia.