Statutory Review of the Copyright Act – Michael Geist’s Comments

For those following the 2018 review of the Canadian Copyright Act.

Here is Michael Geist’s commentary so far: Making Sense of the Spending

and part two: The Declining Value of the Access Copyright License

and part three: Exploring the Impact of Site Licensing at Canadian Universities


Statutory Review of the Copyright Act – more meetings this week

Meetings scheduled for the Standing Committee of Industry, Science and Technology this week:

Today Tuesday April 24, 2018 (CARL, CASA, CRKN, UNEQ)

and Thursday April 26, 2018,3:30pm Eastern(Writers Union, Cdn Publishers, CFLA, CIC)

both at (12:30pm PST)




Federal Court upholds Copyright Board decision regarding Access Copyright and provincial government copying

Via Michael Geist’s blog March 27, 2018

The Federal Court of Appeal has upheld a Copyright Board decision regarding provincial government copying. This is significant because the board is upholding the development of a “standard as a reasonable approximation of what constitutes insubstantial copying”, whereas Access Copyright had argued against “bright-line standards” [such as those standards embedded in many institutional fair dealing guidelines].

Read more

Project Gutenberg blocks German visitors

Via Plagiarism Today, and via techdirt March 07, 2018

Project Gutenberg, the not-for-profit host of public domain books online, is tired of getting sued by German copyright-holders, because the German public domain guidelines do not align with the U.S. copyright law. They have blocked German IP adresses as a simple solution. This is one example of how complex copyright can become when we deal with the international nature of online distribution, and why some trade negotiations are including discussion around harmonizing some copyright terms.

Open Education Week Event on Vancouver Island – March 8

Inba Kehoe from the UVic Copyright and Scholarly Communication Office will be presenting on open education resources at the Open Education event at Camosun College Interurban on Thursday March 8, 9:30 – 3:00 pm

“Join faculty, staff and students at the Innovations Lab @ Interurban campus, Camosun College to celebrate the Open Education Movement in BC. This event will include presentations from open advocates at various Institutions who will discuss their projects in detail and share how they have put open education into action.”

For more information visit: Scholarly Communication @ UVic


TPP- Some IP provisions suspended

Update via Plagiarism Today, &, Feb 21, 2018 – some new copyright provisions added to TPP draft.

Via Michael Geist Jan 23, 24, 2017

Many of the proposed intellectual property provisions of the Trans Pacific Partnership have been suspended.

For more info:

A Consultation on Options for Reform to the Copyright Board of Canada

Via Michael Geist, October 30, 2017

A multitude of submissions have been received in response to a consultative call regarding potential Copyright Board reform. There is no question that change is needed. The TYPE of change, however, is up for strong debate.

See the submissions here: 

Monkey Selfie Case Settled

A macaque monkey who snapped his own selfie has been the subject of much copyright debate. In a ground breaking case that asked – “can an animal own intellectual property?” the two sides finally reached an agreement.

See case settlement here:

Via the Times Colonist September 11, 2017

Register for a Fall 2017 “Copyright 101” workshop for Faculty/Staff

Wondering about copyright guidelines for making course materials available to students? Attend one of our copyright workshops and have all your questions answered. We also offer one-on-one consultations, by email, phone, and in-person. Please consult our workshops page, or contact us directly.