Posting links and paragraphs from an article

Michael Geist Blog | June 25, 2012

The Canadian Federal Court ruled that posting a link and posting several paragraphs from an article is not a copyright infringement.

To read more:

The case:

Bill C-11 – cleared House of Commons

June 19, 2012

Bill C-11 – The Copyright Modernization Act cleared House of Commons on June 18, 2012. It is good news for the university community. It received its 1st reading in Senate yesterday night:

Here are commentaries from various sources:

Huffiington Post:

CBC News:


To follow the progress of the bill:

York not signing AC license

York University | May 29, 2012

Vice-President Academic & Provost Patrick Monahan, acting president of York University, issued this announcement to the community:

After careful review, a decision has been made that York University will not be entering into the Access Copyright licence agreement that was negotiated by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC).

Along with several other Canadian universities, York has been operating outside of the Access Copyright tariff since September 1, 2011. This decision supports York &s continuing commitment to ensuring access to copyrighted materials for study and research with appropriate payment to authors and publishers.

For more information see:

U of Winnipeg rejects copyright deal

Nick Martin | May 19, 2012 | Winnipeg Free Press

“The University of Winnipeg is opting out of a national copyright deal the U of W says would be a waste of $200,000 a year.

University president Lloyd Axworthy said this week that the university senate will vote next week to opt out of a copyright licence agreement the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada has signed with Access Copyright, a private company based in downtown Toronto.”

For more on the story see:–copyright-deal-as-money-grab-152135325.html

U of Victoria to sign Access Copyright model license

May 15, 2012 | University of Victoria

The University of Victoria has informed Access Copyright, a Canadian copyright collective, that it will sign the model license recently negotiated by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) which covers the costs of reproducing a range of digital materials for research and teaching purposes.

For more on the annoucement see:

Georgia State Court Decision – favours fair use!

Jennifer Howard | Chronicle | May 13, 2012

Long-Awaited Ruling in Copyright Case Mostly Favors Georgia State U.

“A federal judge in Atlanta has handed down a long-awaited ruling in a lawsuit brought by three scholarly publishers against Georgia State University over its use of copyrighted material in electronic reserves. The ruling, delivered on Friday, looks mostly like a victory for the university, finding that only five of 99 alleged copyright infringements did in fact violate the plaintiffs’ copyrights.

“My initial reaction is, honestly, what a crushing defeat for the publishers,” said Brandon C. Butler, the director of public-policy initiatives for the Association of Research Libraries. Given how few claims the publishers won, “there’s a 95 percent success rate for the GSU fair-use policy.” The ruling suggests that Georgia State is “getting it almost entirely right” with its current copyright policy, he said.”

For more on the story see:

Ariel Katz on The GSU Copyright Case: Some Canadian Perspectives

AUCC withdraws objections to proposed Tariff

On April 24, 2012, the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), has just written to the Copyright Board that it withdraws its objection.

Copy of the letter is available here:

For comments on this move see;
Ariel Katz’s blog:

AUCC/Access Copyright announce Model License

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) | April 16, 2012

The AUCC and Access Copyright (AC) announced that they have negotiated a model license for universities.

We believe that this negotiated agreement provides a successful outcome for universities, their students and faculty, said Paul Davidson, president of the AUCC. It provides long-term certainty on price, and access to a new range of digital materials. Most importantly, the agreement respects the principles of academic freedom and privacy that are important to universities, and ensures that the administrative burden on institutions is minimized.

The model license will see universities pay AC $26.00 per FTE student annuallly and will be in place till December 31, 2015. The license includes print, digital and coursepack copying.

Copy of Model License:

CAUT’s response to Model License:

Canadian Federation of Students’ response:

U of Toronto and Western sign license with Access Copyright

Monday, January 30, 2012

Western University and the University of Toronot announced Monday that they have each reacehd an agreement wtih Access Copyright.

Western’s notice is avaialble at:

Access Copyright Joint Media Release available at:

For commentary, see Howard Knopf’s Excesscopyright Blog

CLA on Copyright Act amendment

Protecting the Public Interest in the Digital World Revisted for Bill C-11
Canadian Library Association | December 12, 2011

“This analysis of Bill C-11, An Act to Amend the Copyright Act, has been prepared by the Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des biblioth ques (CLA) on behalf of its members, the Canadian library and information community, and all those interested in the creation, dissemination and preservation of Canadian culture. It identifies the provisions of the legislation that would appear to be of most direct interest to librarians, libraries, and others in the information community; and provides some analysis of those provisions from this perspective.”

For the full document see: