Re:Sound + SOCAN = Entandem!

May 9, 2019 | Via @howardknopf on twitter &  The Ottawa Citizen

After years of confusing crossover of music licensing processes, the two major Canadian music licensing organizations, SOCAN and Re:Sound, have formed an alliance, to provide streamlined licensing via their new co-venture, “Entandem“. This will make it easier for creators and users alike, hopefully. Changes to come this summer.

Read more


Public Screening of “Paywall: the Business of Scholarship” – Open Access Week 2018

Join us at the UVic Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons for a public screening of the documentary, “Paywall”. Everyone is welcome. There will be popcorn provided!

A public screening of the movie will be held on:

Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Time: 2-3:30pm. Panel discussion to follow the movie until 4:30pm

Where: UVic Libraries, Digital Scholarly Commons

Please register at   paywall movie poster













About the filmPaywall: The Business of Scholarship is a documentary which:

  • focuses on the need for open access to research and science
  • questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers
  • examines the 35-40% profit margin associated with the top academic publisher Elsevier, and
  • looks at how that profit margin is often greater than some of the most profitable tech companies like Apple, Facebook and Google.

Produced and directed by Jason Schmitt, Clarkson University, NY

The film is also available to stream for free here:

*re-post of UVic Scholarly Communication blog October 5, 2018*


New NAFTA/USMCA deal extends public domain by 20 years

The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), signed yesterday, agrees to extend Canada’s term of copyright, to align with the current U.S. law. We have to wait and see how this agreement will be incorporated into Canadian Copyright Law.

Read the Intellectual Property Provisions here

As reported by CBC and Michael Geist October 1, 2018

Copibec v Université Laval reaches a settlement

Re: Copyright infringement class action by CopIbec against the University of Laval

via @kimnayyer @InbaKehoe

Since 2014, legal action has been taking place – in the form of a class action suit brought forth by Copibec, Quebec’s non-profit copyright collective, against Laval University. At issue is Laval’s choice not to renew a license agreement with Copibec, or pay tariffs, for educational use of copyrighted materials.

Some history on the case, Via Howard Knopf at Excess Copyright Nov. 17, 2014

This case has made its way through the court of appeal, and parties have reached a settlement, available on Copibec’s website. Amounts owing are in the range of $2M.


Project Gutenberg blocks German visitors

Via Plagiarism Today, and via techdirt March 07, 2018

Project Gutenberg, the not-for-profit host of public domain books online, is tired of getting sued by German copyright-holders, because the German public domain guidelines do not align with the U.S. copyright law. They have blocked German IP adresses as a simple solution. This is one example of how complex copyright can become when we deal with the international nature of online distribution, and why some trade negotiations are including discussion around harmonizing some copyright terms.

Google required by Supreme Court to block website from global search engine

Update to this – Google has filed a suit in California court attempting to block this order, citing First Amendment rights and more:

Via Michael Geist’s blog July 26, 2017.



Supreme Court of Canada, in Google v. Equustek decision, requires Google to block a website from their worldwide search engine because of IP issues

Via Ariel Katz’s blog, June 29, 2017


UK copyright reforms include an exception that allows for text and data mining

John Kelly | Jisc | February 9, 2016

In 2014, the UK government introduced copyright reform which includes an exception which “permits any published and unpublished in-copyright works to be copied for the purpose of text mining for non-commercial research. This includes sound, film/video, artistic works, tables and databases, as well as data and text, as long as the researcher has lawful access”.

UK researchers must still have legal access to the material, such as a database license through their institution. A key point is that the exception includes a provision which negates contracts/license agreements that attempt to override the law and deny text and data mining. This means no more checking each institution’s database license agreements before embarking on noncommercial text and data mining research. However, DRM protection, to “maintain their network security or stability,” is still allowable, and researchers are not permitted to circumvent these measures.

For more, see: “The text and data mining copyright exception: benefits and implications for UK higher education”

Canadian Libraries & Response to Chapter 18 of TPP agreement

The Canadian Library Association, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, and the Canadian Urban Libraries Council have jointly prepared a statement in response to the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Our associations speak on behalf of Canadian researchers, students, educators and millions of others who rely on libraries for the development, preservation, and dissemination of Canadian content.

For more see: