U of C ends subscription to Elsevier

The University of California system has chosen not to renew their multi-million dollar subscription with academic publishing giant Elsevier. At the heart of the issue is affordability, and the ability to make UC research available open access.

Read more in the Berkeley News: In push for open access, UC breaks ties with publishing giant ElsevierWhy UC split with publishing giant Elsevier

…see Elsevier’s official response on twitter.


(via Matthew Hukulak @jmhukulak  and Kim Nayyer @kimnayyer)


Public Screening of “Paywall: the Business of Scholarship” – Open Access Week 2018

Join us at the UVic Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons for a public screening of the documentary, “Paywall”. Everyone is welcome. There will be popcorn provided!

A public screening of the movie will be held on:

Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Time: 2-3:30pm. Panel discussion to follow the movie until 4:30pm

Where: UVic Libraries, Digital Scholarly Commons

Please register at https://paywall.eventbrite.ca   paywall movie poster













About the filmPaywall: The Business of Scholarship is a documentary which:

  • focuses on the need for open access to research and science
  • questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers
  • examines the 35-40% profit margin associated with the top academic publisher Elsevier, and
  • looks at how that profit margin is often greater than some of the most profitable tech companies like Apple, Facebook and Google.

Produced and directed by Jason Schmitt, Clarkson University, NY

The film is also available to stream for free here: https://paywallthemovie.com/

*re-post of UVic Scholarly Communication blog October 5, 2018*


New NAFTA/USMCA deal extends public domain by 20 years

The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), signed yesterday, agrees to extend Canada’s term of copyright, to align with the current U.S. law. We have to wait and see how this agreement will be incorporated into Canadian Copyright Law.

Read the Intellectual Property Provisions here

As reported by CBC and Michael Geist October 1, 2018

The CIPPIC/CGRC Proposal: An Open Licensing Scheme for Traditional Knowledge

Proposal: An Open Licensing Scheme for Traditional Knowledge

This is an interesting resource put forward in 2016 by Carleton University Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre & The Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic. A good summary of some of the issues around Indigenous Knowledge and the intersection of “western notions of  IP” and First Nations principles of OCAP. Proposes a licensing scheme based on the Creative Commons Model, but adds layers such as community consent and reciprocity.

Via Meera Nair’s Fair Duty Blog, June 25, 2018

Statutory Review of the Copyright Act – Education Sector Presents Evidence in the House of Commons

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology met with stakeholders from the post-secondary education sector yesterday as part of the 2018 Copyright Act review. Representatives from Universities Canada, the Canadian Federation of Students, the Canadian Association of University Teachers, and Campus Stores Canada spoke with the committee about Indigenous knowledge, fair dealing, library consortia licensing, Access Copyright v York University, open access and public domain, among other issues.

Watch a replay here.

Google required by Supreme Court to block website from global search engine

Update to this – Google has filed a suit in California court attempting to block this order, citing First Amendment rights and more:


Via Michael Geist’s blog July 26, 2017.



Supreme Court of Canada, in Google v. Equustek decision, requires Google to block a website from their worldwide search engine because of IP issues


Via Ariel Katz’s blog, June 29, 2017