#FairDealingWeek Discussion “Keep Copyright Fair” Event

The #FairDealingWeek Discussion “Keep Copyright Fair” is available for restreaming here: https://youtu.be/F6yu8OrK1xo

The original event – Feb 28th, 2019 – was hosted by McMaster University Library, featuring Paul Jones of CAUT and Dr. Carys Craig of Osgoode Hall Law School

via @jzerkee on twitter

#FairDealingWeek livestream event today: “Balancing the Scales”

From Simon Fraser University Library (CC-BY-NC)

Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week is an annual celebration of the doctrines of fair use and fair dealing — a perfect opportunity to reflect on what is quickly becoming a pivotal period in the history of copyright in Canada. York University has appealed the decision in its case with Access Copyright, the statutory review of the Copyright Act is still underway, and the USMCA free trade agreement promises to extend the term of copyright protection by twenty years. In this climate, building increased awareness about user rights such as fair dealing is more important than ever before.

This Fair Dealing Week, SFU, UBC, Langara, KPU, Douglas, VCC and JIBC invite you to an afternoon of presentations and discussion aimed at demonstrating the value of fair dealing in a modern Canadian context and highlighting the perspectives of diverse copyright stakeholders.

Balancing the scales: The role of fair dealing in Canada

Tuesday, February 26, 1:00 – 4:15pm at SFU Harbour Centre

This event will also be webcast at this link and recorded for those unable to attend in person.

This event will feature a panel, moderated by Michal Jaworski, former legal counsel to UBC and partner at Clark Wilson LLP, with panelists:

Devon Cooke, documentary filmmaker;

Peter Musser, YouTube creator;

Andrea Stuart, Canadian Association of University Teachers; and

Linda Valecourt, Douglas College Bookstore.

The panel discussion will be followed by a keynote presentation by Dr. Meera Nair, Copyright Officer at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, reflecting on the 15th anniversary of the 2004 Supreme Court of Canada CCH decision, a significant case addressing fair dealing.

Public Screening of “Paywall: the Business of Scholarship” – Open Access Week 2018

Join us at the UVic Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons for a public screening of the documentary, “Paywall”. Everyone is welcome. There will be popcorn provided!

A public screening of the movie will be held on:

Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Time: 2-3:30pm. Panel discussion to follow the movie until 4:30pm

Where: UVic Libraries, Digital Scholarly Commons

Please register at https://paywall.eventbrite.ca   paywall movie poster













About the filmPaywall: The Business of Scholarship is a documentary which:

  • focuses on the need for open access to research and science
  • questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers
  • examines the 35-40% profit margin associated with the top academic publisher Elsevier, and
  • looks at how that profit margin is often greater than some of the most profitable tech companies like Apple, Facebook and Google.

Produced and directed by Jason Schmitt, Clarkson University, NY

The film is also available to stream for free here: https://paywallthemovie.com/

*re-post of UVic Scholarly Communication blog October 5, 2018*


New NAFTA/USMCA deal extends public domain by 20 years

The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), signed yesterday, agrees to extend Canada’s term of copyright, to align with the current U.S. law. We have to wait and see how this agreement will be incorporated into Canadian Copyright Law.

Read the Intellectual Property Provisions here

As reported by CBC and Michael Geist October 1, 2018

Standing Committee on Heritage looks at Copyright Act

The Parliamentary Committee on Canadian Heritage has begun a review of “Remuneration Models for Artists and Creative Industries“., in the context of the Copyright Act.

This is occurring in tandem with this year’s review of the Copyright Act by the Committee on Industry, Science and Technology.

To date, members of the Canadian music industry and community have been making submissions to the Heritage committee. The media coverage has been wide for singer/musician Bryan Adams’ presentation to the committee on September 18th.

Watch recorded session on ParlVu

Adams’ attention was focused on S.14(1) of the Act:

Limitation where author is first owner of copyright

14 (1) Where the author of a work is the first owner of the copyright therein, no assignment of the copyright and no grant of any interest therein, made by him, otherwise than by will, after June 4, 1921, is operative to vest in the assignee or grantee any rights with respect to the copyright in the work beyond the expiration of twenty-five years from the death of the author, and the reversionary interest in the copyright expectant on the termination of that period shall, on the death of the author, notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, devolve on his legal representatives as part of the estate of the author, and any agreement entered into by the author as to the disposition of such reversionary interest is void.”

Adams proposed that wording be changed to have copyright more likely revert to the creator within the creator’s lifetime, rather than after death. Up until now, much of review related to the term of copyright discussed when a work enters the public domain. Bryan Adams’ testimony approaches the examination of copyright term in how it affects and addresses publishing contracts and the remuneration of creators over a lifetime.

See CBC coverage Tuesday, September 18, 2018

See Michael Geist’s Blog on the topic, September 20, 2018.

Copibec v Université Laval reaches a settlement

Re: Copyright infringement class action by CopIbec against the University of Laval

via @kimnayyer @InbaKehoe

Since 2014, legal action has been taking place – in the form of a class action suit brought forth by Copibec, Quebec’s non-profit copyright collective, against Laval University. At issue is Laval’s choice not to renew a license agreement with Copibec, or pay tariffs, for educational use of copyrighted materials.

Some history on the case, Via Howard Knopf at Excess Copyright Nov. 17, 2014

This case has made its way through the court of appeal, and parties have reached a settlement, available on Copibec’s website. Amounts owing are in the range of $2M.


The CIPPIC/CGRC Proposal: An Open Licensing Scheme for Traditional Knowledge

Proposal: An Open Licensing Scheme for Traditional Knowledge

This is an interesting resource put forward in 2016 by Carleton University Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre & The Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic. A good summary of some of the issues around Indigenous Knowledge and the intersection of “western notions of  IP” and First Nations principles of OCAP. Proposes a licensing scheme based on the Creative Commons Model, but adds layers such as community consent and reciprocity.

Via Meera Nair’s Fair Duty Blog, June 25, 2018

Statutory Review of the Copyright Act – Michael Geist’s Comments

For those following the 2018 review of the Canadian Copyright Act.

Here is Michael Geist’s commentary so far: Making Sense of the Spending

and part two: The Declining Value of the Access Copyright License

and part three: Exploring the Impact of Site Licensing at Canadian Universities


Statutory Review of the Copyright Act – more meetings this week


Meetings scheduled for the Standing Committee of Industry, Science and Technology this week:

Today Tuesday April 24, 2018 (CARL, CASA, CRKN, UNEQ)

and Thursday April 26, 2018,3:30pm Eastern(Writers Union, Cdn Publishers, CFLA, CIC)

both at (12:30pm PST)




Statutory Review of the Copyright Act – Education Sector Presents Evidence in the House of Commons

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology met with stakeholders from the post-secondary education sector yesterday as part of the 2018 Copyright Act review. Representatives from Universities Canada, the Canadian Federation of Students, the Canadian Association of University Teachers, and Campus Stores Canada spoke with the committee about Indigenous knowledge, fair dealing, library consortia licensing, Access Copyright v York University, open access and public domain, among other issues.

Watch a replay here.