Fair Use Challenges in Academic and Research Libraries

Association of Research Libraries (ARL), Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP), and Centre for Social Media (CSM) | December 2010

Washington, DC-The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is pleased to announce the release of Fair Use Challenges in Academic and Research Libraries, a report that summarizes research into the current application of fair use and other copyright exemptions to meet the missions of U.S. academic and research libraries.

The research was conducted in partnership with the Center for Social Media and the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property at American University. In dozens of interviews with veteran research and academic librarians, the researchers learned how copyright law comes into play as interviewees performed core library functions, including:

•Facilitating student access to learning materials on e-reserves and course websites
•Providing scholars access to research materials, whether by digitizing existing collections or by providing physical access to special collections and archives
•Preserving research materials for future scholars and the public, and creating useable copies of frail materials for contemporary use
•Exhibiting material from collections, whether online or in physical space
•Making library materials accessible for the disabled

News Release: http://www.wcl.american.edu/pijip/go/pijip12212010
Full Report: http://wcl.american.edu/pijip/go/fairuse-libraries