Copyright bill to be tabled this spring: heritage minister

Andrew Mayeda and Sarah Schmidt | Canwest News Service | April 18, 2010

The federal government will soon unveil its latest version of legislation to modernize Canada’s copyright laws through a series of reforms that will affect everything from what Canadians can play on their iPods to how artists pay their bills.

In an interview ahead of the Juno Awards in St. John’s, Heritage Minister James Moore told Canwest News Service the government plans to introduce a new copyright bill this spring.

“It was a throne speech commitment, and we’re serious about doing it. The cross-country consultations we did last year were very substantive, very helpful,” Mr. Moore said. “We’re looking forward to tabling legislation soon.”

Since taking power in 2006, the Conservatives have tried several times to overhaul the country’s copyright regime, which stakeholders agree is no longer suited to deal with the flow of information in the age of digital content.

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