AUCC Submission to the Ministers of Industry and Canadian Heritage Concerning Copyright Law Reform

From AUCC | December 2007

The government announced in the Speech from the Throne on October 16 2007 that it will improve the protection of cultural and intellectual property rights in Canada, including copyright reform. This submission outlines AUCC &s perspectives on some key copyright reform issues and makes recommendations in four areas.

The importance of balance in a modern and competitive copyright regime

The federal government &s science and technology strategy, as set out earlier this year in Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada &s Advantage, notes the importance of balance in patent law, and, similarly, indicates that Canada is committed to ensuring that its copyright
framework provides the legal protection necessary to give copyright-based industries the confidence to invest in and roll out new business models that make full use of leading-edge technologies, while promoting the use of these technologies by researchers to gain access to the knowledge and information needed for innovation and competitiveness (page 52).