Facebook COVID-19 Coming Together Group

The purpose of this group is to come together, connect and support one another during these difficult times. Specifically, members will offer to provide tangible community support or make requests for assistance....

LGBTQ2+ Housing and Job Groups

Queer Housing Victoria and Jobs for Queers Victoria are two community-led Facebook pages for LGBTQ2+ individuals to find welcoming places to live and work in. Admission into the groups requires answering a few questions and having a Facebook account. Housing Website:...

Local Lockdown Positivity Group

Locals in Victoria have started the Facebook group Get Down With the Lockdown with the goal of spreading positivity through art, music, comedy, and expression. The page boasts artists of all styles, via live videos, visual posts, and written word. The group has...

Volunteers sew fabric face masks

A group of volunteers led by Tamara Vukusic in B.C.’s Interior have started making fabric masks to assist in response against COVID-19. Vukusic has started a Facebook group called ‘Sew the Curve’ for interested volunteers and says she has received...