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SD85 Vancouver Island North Learning Links and Resources
Below is a list of resources parents can use from school district 85 (Vancouver Island North) in order to support their child's learning in a variety of subjects. These resources are free....
SD61 School Registration Guide
Below is a registration guide detailing the steps to enrol new students in the Greater Victoria School District. Website:
How to Read a Course Syllabus
Below is a document explaining how to read a course syllabus or outline in order to understand expectations and what is required of the student for the duration of the class. Website:...
Learning Continuity for Elementary Families
The learning continuity resource offers activities to help you improve how you already support your child in their learning. The intent of these activities is to supplement what teachers will be provided in the domains of literacy, numeracy, and overall well-being....
How Parents Can Recognize Bullying
The government of Canada has released a resource outlining how to recognize bullying in schools. There are also resources on the provided website too. Website:
Supporting Your Child’s Return to School During the Pandemic
The Sooke District School Board has created a resource for parents to assist their children with the transition to in-person learning. This resource highlights strategies that can be used to work through any negative emotions a child may be experiencing due to the...
How to Apply for Student Transportation in Victoria
Student transportation is available for most students in the Victoria area. If you would like to apply your child for the provided transportation, you need to send an e-mail below with a message including: your home address, student(s) name, school, and the type of...
Guidelines for In-Person School in Victoria
The superintendent of the Victoria school board has released a document outlining the safety protocols and guidelines that will be followed in light of the return to in-person learning. Contact: (250) 475-3212 or Website:...
Tips to Succeeding in Online Courses
The University of British Columbia has created a webpage that provides tips for all university students on how to do well in online courses. They also posted a Youtube video on the webpage that provides more tips such as using a calendar to stay organized, attending...