Parkinson Wellness Project

The Parkinson Wellness Project is an organization that provides support and community opportunities for those living with Parkinson’s disease on Vancouver Island. Specifically, they offer exercise classes that are tailored to the mobility needs of people living...

Cancer DriveLine Society

The Cancer DriveLine Society provides ride services to people who need transportation to and from cancer-related services and appointments. The organization is run entirely by volunteers and offers services to anyone living on Southern Vancouver Island. You can sign...

Out of Isolation and Back to Connection

On Monday, May 31st at 7pm, the Salt Spring Community Alliance is hosting a free workshop on nonviolent communication for anyone interested as we return to more in-person activities. This introductory session will be hosted by Compassionate Communication teacher Laura...

All-Aboard Family Cycling Q&A

On June 3rd, 2021 at 12pm PST, Capital Bike, Island Health and Quadratic Sound are hosting a virtual workshop on how to safely bike around Victoria with children (on their own bicycles). The workshop will be hosted on Facebook Live so attendees will have an...