Cases against specific legislation or policies which do not provide sufficient protection
Under this header, we summarize litigation targeting specific legislation or policies, such as sectoral policies, which the plaintiff deems to be insufficient and to provide insufficient protection from the threats of climate change.
All Cases In This Category
Turp v. Canada (Minister of Justice and Attorney General) (re. Withdrawal from Kyoto Protocol)
Case name: Turp v. Canada (Minister of Justice and Attorney General) Jurisdiction: Canada Type of claim: Cases against specific legislation or policies Summary of result: Claim dismissed as...
Friends of the Earth v. Canada (Governor in Council) (re. Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act)
Case name: Friends of the Earth v. Canada (Governor in Council) Jurisdiction: Canada Type of claim: Cases against specific legislation or policies Summary of result: Claim dismissed as non-justiciable....
German Klimaklage (Neubauer, et al. v. Germany)
Case name: German Klimaklage (Neubauer, et al. v. Germany) Jurisdiction: Germany Type of claim: Claim against federal legislature or government to enact stricter GHG reduction targets / Challenge of specific...
Sabo and Others v. Parliament and Council (EU Biomass Plaintiffs v. European Union)
Case name: Sabo and Others v. Parliament and Council also known as: EU Biomass Plaintiffs v. European Union Jurisdiction: European Union Type of claim: Cases against specific...
Friends of the Irish Environment CLG v. The Government of Ireland, Ireland and the Attorney General
Case name: Friends of the Irish Environment CLG v. The Government of Ireland, Ireland and the Attorney General Jurisdiction: Ireland Type of claim: Challenge of federal government’s insufficient climate policy Summary of result: Court orders the...