The Arctic Freshwater Synthesis: Foci, Results and Future Research Priorities Terry Prowse, W-CIRC and Department of Geography Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Snacks/Discussion begin at 15:00, Talk at 15:30 Location: Grad House, David Clode Room There is increasing scientific recognition that changes to the Arctic freshwater systems have produced, and could produce even greater, changes to bio-geophysical… Continue reading Seminar by Terry Prowse on April 5
Author: Amber Holdsworth
Cancelled -March 22 talk with Randy Scharien
The seminar by Randy Scharien that was scheduled for Wednesday March 22 is now being rescheduled due to conflict with another talk. We encourage everyone to attend the following talk instead: WEDNESDAY, March 22, 2017, 3:30 PM Room DSB C118 Dr. CJ MUNDY CNC-SCOR Lecture Tour Speaker Associate Professor, Department of Environment and Geography, University of Manitoba “Arctic spring: key… Continue reading Cancelled -March 22 talk with Randy Scharien
Seminar by Christian Seiler on March 8
Biases and projections of explosive cyclones in global and regional climate models Christian Seiler,Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Snacks/Discussion begin at 15:00, Talk at 15:30 Location: Grad House, David Clode Room Extratropical cyclones (ETCs) affect the general circulation through the transport of heat, moisture, and momentum, but also impact human activity through… Continue reading Seminar by Christian Seiler on March 8
Seminar by Trevor Q. Murdock and Dr. Johanna Wolf on October 20, 2016
A climate scientist, an engineer, and an adaptation expert walk into a coffee shop… Trevor Q. Murdock, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Thursday Oct. 20, 2016 RSVP Abstract: There is a video abstract for this talk in the link below. Note that this video was initially created for the Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference. View Video
Seminar by Gregory M. Flato on October 6, 2016
The Changing Arctic Climate: From Science to Scenarios Gregory M. Flato, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Environment and Climate Change Canada brief bio Thursday October 6, 2016 Abstract: Climate change is enhanced at high latitudes, with the Canadian Arctic experiencing warming at a rate that is two to three times the global average.… Continue reading Seminar by Gregory M. Flato on October 6, 2016
CCSS Seminars in 2016!
Stay tuned for the Schedule of talks for this semester…
Seminar by Colin Goldblatt on Oct. 7, 2015
All are invited to the Grad House Restaurant on Wednesday, Oct.7! Featuring a presentation by Colin Goldblatt titled “Palaeoclimate and the evolution of Earth’s Atmosphere.” Abstract There has been a wonderful and diverse range of climate states through Earth history, associated with changes in external forcing and the evolution of atmospheric mass and composition.… Continue reading Seminar by Colin Goldblatt on Oct. 7, 2015
Seminar by Johannes Feddema on Sep 30, 2015
Join us for our opening event featuring a presentation by Johannes Feddema on Sept 30, 2015 at the University Club (Wild Rose room). Title: “Modeling Urban Systems in an Earth System Model” Abstract: When assessing the impacts of climate change on society, it is important to consider that over half the world population now lives… Continue reading Seminar by Johannes Feddema on Sep 30, 2015