Discovery Publications

Since 2017

Johnston JN, Allen J, Shkolnikov I, Sanchez-Lafuente CL, Reive BS, Scheil K, Liang S, Christie BR, Kalynchuk LE, Caruncho HJ.  Reelin rescues behavioural, electrophysiological, and molecular metrics of a chronic stress phenotype in a similar manner to ketamine. eNeuro. 2023 Aug 11;10(8):ENEURO.0106-23.2023. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0106-23.2023. Print 2023 Aug. PMID: 37550058

Reid, H. M. O., Chen-Mack, N., Snowden, T., & Christie, B. R. (2021). Understanding Changes in Hippocampal Interneurons Subtypes in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review. Brain Connectivity, 11(3), 159–179.

Thacker, J. S., Andersen, D., Liang, S., Zieniewicz, N., Trivino-Paredes, J. S., Nahirney, P. C., & Christie, B. R. (2021). Unlocking the brain: A new method for Western blot protein detection from fixed brain tissue. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 348, 108995.

Lee, T. H., Christie, B. R., van Praag, H., Lin, K., Siu, P. M.-F., Xu, A., So, K.-F., & Yau, S. (2021). AdipoRon Treatment Induces a Dose-Dependent Response in Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(4), Article 4. 

Islam, M. R., Valaris, S., Young, M. F., Haley, E. B., Luo, R., Bond, S. F., Mazuera, S., Kitchen, R. R., Caldarone, B. J., Bettio, L. E. B., Christie, B. R., Schmider, A. B., Soberman, R. J., Besnard, A., Jedrychowski, M. P., Kim, H., Tu, H., Kim, E., Choi, S. H., … Wrann, C. D. (2021). Exercise hormone irisin is a critical regulator of cognitive function. Nature Metabolism, 3(8), Article 8.

Fontaine, C. J., Gräfe, E. L., Pinar, C., Río, I. B.-D., Grandes, P., & Christie, B. R. (2020). Endocannabinoid receptors contribute significantly to multiple forms of long-term depression in the rat dentate gyrus. Learning & Memory, 27(9), 380–389.

Bettio, L. E. B., Thacker, J. S., Rodgers, S. P., Brocardo, P. S., Christie, B. R., & Gil-Mohapel, J. (2020). Interplay between hormones and exercise on hippocampal plasticity across the lifespan. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Basis of Disease, 1866(8), 165821.

Bettio, L., Thacker, J. S., Hutton, C., & Christie, B. R. (2019). Modulation of synaptic plasticity by exercise. International Review of Neurobiology, 147, 295–322.

Trivino-Paredes, J. S., Nahirney, P. C., Pinar, C., Grandes, P., & Christie, B. R. (2019). Acute slice preparation for electrophysiology increases spine numbers equivalently in the male and female juvenile hippocampus: A DiI labeling study. Journal of Neurophysiology, 122(3), 958–969.

Paredes, J. S. T., Christie, B., & Nahirney, P. (2019). Comparison of hippocampal neuron spine densities in acute and perfusion-fixed slices using the lipophilic dye DiI. The FASEB Journal, 33(S1), 448.4-448.4.

Peñasco Iglesias, S., Rico Barrio, I., Puente Bustinza, N., Gómez Urquijo, S. M., Fontaine, C. J., Egaña Huguet, J., Achicallende Urcaregui, S., Ramos Uriarte, A., Reguero Acebal, L., Elezgarai Gabantxo, I., Nahirney, P. C., Christie, B. R., & Grandes Moreno, P. R. (2019). Endocannabinoid long-term depression revealed at medial perforant path excitatory synapses in the dentate gyrus.

Cullen, H. M., Sun, Y., Christie, B. R., & Zehr, E. P. (2017). Use of the wii balance board to assess changes in postural balance across athletic season. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(11), A1–A1.

Bettio, L. E. B., Gil-Mohapel, J., Patten, A. R., O’Rourke, N. F., Hanley, R. P., Gopalakrishnan, K., Wulff, J. E., & Christie, B. R. (2017). Effects of Isx-9 and stress on adult hippocampal neurogenesis: Experimental considerations and future perspectives. Neurogenesis, 4(1), e1317692.

Lane, S., Palmer, J., Christie, B., Ehlting, J., & Le, C. (2017). Can Cold Brew Coffee Be Convenient? A Pilot Study For Caffeine Content in Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The Arbutus Review, 8(1), Article 1.

Leasure, J. L., Trivino-Paredes, J., & Christie, B. R. (2018). Chapter 4—Practical Considerations for In Vivo Electrophysiology Along the Dorsoventral Hippocampal Axis. In D. Manahan-Vaughan (Ed.), Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience (Vol. 28, pp. 85–93). Elsevier.

Oslund, K. R., Cullen, H. M., Kowalski, K., & Christie, B. (2017). Relationship between king devick TEST, SCAR3 and 3D mot in cognitive assessment. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(11), A9–A10.

Pinar, C., Fontaine, C. J., Triviño-Paredes, J., Lottenberg, C. P., Gil-Mohapel, J., & Christie, B. R. (2017). Revisiting the flip side: Long-term depression of synaptic efficacy in the hippocampus. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 80, 394–413.