Chem EDI seeking undergraduate members

Note – this volunteer opportunity can be included on your co-curricular record.

Hi Undergraduate Students,

The Chemistry Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee (Chem EDI) is looking for an undergraduate student to join the committee. See below for the updated application process (very straightforward), your role on the committee (very important) and the time commitment required (not too much!).

Time commitment:

  • Minimum 1-year commitment. The usual term is 2 years, with renomination possible after this time.
  • On average the time commitment is: 1h meeting a month, 1-2h answering emails per month, plus 1-2h to help run an event (if you are involved in that event).

You role on the committee:

  • Supporting us in our mandate to ensure that the Chemistry Department is a safe, respectful and inclusive working and learning environment.
  • Developing, together with the rest of Chem EDI, EDI-related educational activities for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows and researchers in the Department.

To apply:

  • Submit a statement of intent (maximum 1-2 paragraphs) to describing your thoughts regarding the role of the Chem EDI committee, how you would contribute to the Chem EDI committee, and any previous relevant experience.
  • The deadline for submission of the statement of intent is Monday 11 of April 2022. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to a 20 minute interview for the position.

If you have questions about the position or the Chem EDI committee, please reply to this email, or feel free to contact any of the committee members listed on the Chem EDI website.

Best wishes,
The Chem EDI committee