Monthly Archives: March 2022

Declare your program

Declaring your program is how you officially tell UVic what you want to study. 

Stating your area of interest on your UVic application is NOT declaring your program.

Declaring means that you’ll be able to access your degree audit (called a CAPP report) and see exactly which requirements you’ve met, which you still need to register for, and what’s in-progress.



Have Your Say on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Issues at UVIC!

My name is Jenna Mehlmann and I am an INSPIRE Ambassador at the University of Victoria. My team and I are working on a project to create an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) helpline support system for all UVIC students through the new Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) program, INSPIRE: STEM for Social Impact ( We are looking for students who are willing to share the following:

  • Your experience with EDI at UVIC
  • If you or anyone you know has experienced any discrimination at UVIC
  • How UVIC could improve their reporting system for discrimination
  • Any other comments regarding EDI at UVIC

Feedback suggests a need for students to be able to anonymously report incidents to be formally addressed by the university. We are currently gathering feedback from the UVIC community in the form of an electronic survey, and we would like to kindly request if you may distribute the survey link to your student email database. The feedback received will help our team gather information to discover the best solution for development of the EDI helpline at UVIC.

Electronic survey access:

We are INSPIRE Ambassadors with INSPIRE: STEM for Social Impact, a program of research and community-based innovation at the University of Victoria that engages STEM students from underrepresented groups. We connect students with mentors from industry and the community to ideate and co-create solutions that address society’s most pressing challenges in sustainability.

If you are interested in participating and will be distributing the survey to your students, please contact me at Please let me know if you have any questions, as I am more than happy to answer any of them. Thank you for your time.

Kind Regards,

Jenna Mehlmann, BSc

INSPIRE Ambassador

Chem EDI seeking undergraduate members

Note – this volunteer opportunity can be included on your co-curricular record.

Hi Undergraduate Students,

The Chemistry Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee (Chem EDI) is looking for an undergraduate student to join the committee. See below for the updated application process (very straightforward), your role on the committee (very important) and the time commitment required (not too much!).

Time commitment:

  • Minimum 1-year commitment. The usual term is 2 years, with renomination possible after this time.
  • On average the time commitment is: 1h meeting a month, 1-2h answering emails per month, plus 1-2h to help run an event (if you are involved in that event).

You role on the committee:

  • Supporting us in our mandate to ensure that the Chemistry Department is a safe, respectful and inclusive working and learning environment.
  • Developing, together with the rest of Chem EDI, EDI-related educational activities for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows and researchers in the Department.

To apply:

  • Submit a statement of intent (maximum 1-2 paragraphs) to describing your thoughts regarding the role of the Chem EDI committee, how you would contribute to the Chem EDI committee, and any previous relevant experience.
  • The deadline for submission of the statement of intent is Monday 11 of April 2022. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to a 20 minute interview for the position.

If you have questions about the position or the Chem EDI committee, please reply to this email, or feel free to contact any of the committee members listed on the Chem EDI website.

Best wishes,
The Chem EDI committee

Pathways to Permanent Residence Q&A Session

International Centre for Students will host a live Pathways to Permanent Residence Q&A session. This session is aimed to provide general immigration information to UVic international students. UVic assumes no liability to the information shared by the presenter.

This live Q&A session will be hosted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Outreach Officers. Prior to the session, watch the video recording that will provide an overview of the available federal immigration programs in Canada for international graduates. After watching the video recording, you will then have the opportunity to submit your questions before the live Q&A session by using Slido.

Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Time: 2:30pm – 3:15pm (PT)
Location: Online Q&A Session – WebEx event

Registration required: Register online. WebEx Password: Island2022^

Video Recording: Watch here before the live Q&A session. Password: Pathways2022

Slido: Submit your questions before the live Q&A session here. Code access: Island22

*Once you have registered for the event, you will receive a reminder email one day prior the session. If you do not submit questions before the session, you will also have the opportunity to ask your questions during the live Q&A session.*

Volunteering as a Mentor or Conversation Partner with the UVic Global Community

Dear Students,

We are looking for Global Community (GC) Conversation Partners and Global Community (GC) Mentors to begin volunteering with us for Fall 2022.

Our Spring Application Deadline is March 27th, 2022. For more information and to apply you can click here!

GC Mentors volunteer to offer friendship and guidance for students as they navigate their social and academic transition to UVic and Canada. Volunteers organize meetups weekly to help students who are interested in intercultural connections get involved with our community. Click here for more information.

GC Conversation Partners volunteer to provide students, who have English as an additional language, with opportunities to practice and improve their conversational English skills. Volunteers meet up with students weekly to practice conversation all while building global relationships. Click here for more information.

To volunteer for the 2022-2023 Academic Year we are accepting applications now! Our Spring Application Deadline is March 27th 2022. Apply by clicking here!

Benefits of being a Global Community volunteer:

  • Grow your community by offering support and friendship to students from around the world
  • Promote cross-cultural understanding and awareness on campus
  • Broaden your own global perspectives while working with others
  • Develop leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Engage in meaningful personal and professional development trainings
  • Receive a letter of recognition and future references (for employment, professional/graduate school applications)
  • Build your UVic Co-Curricular Record (CCR): a University-validated record of volunteer engagement

We look forward to your applications! If you have any questions about the UVic Global Community, please contact Cecilia Rose & Theresa Wanninger, Global Community Advisers, at

Cecilia & Theresa
Global Community Adviser, International Centre for Students |

WCUCC – May 27-29

You are invited to attend the Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference held at the University of Calgary from May 27-29.  This conference is a unique opportunity that solely showcases undergraduate chemistry research and is many students’ first introduction to conferences.  Abstracts can be submitted to by April 8, 2022.