Monthly Archives: December 2021

Virtual Scholarship Program at University of Washington

One of UVic’s ICS Exchange Program partner universities, the University of Washington (UW) is giving UVic students the chance to apply for a virtual, extra-curricular (not-for-credit) scholarship program, running from January – April 2022, and with a stipend amount of $2400.00.

Program Application Form

Application deadline: December 20, 2021

Stipend amount: $2400.00

Please note: This program is only open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

The program is designed to enhance students’ knowledge of American-Canadian, pacific northwest cross-border relations, and gives students the chance to learn from, and network with experts in various cross-border related fields. Successful applicants will also have the chance to meet and form a virtual cohort with other students from UVic, UW, and UBC.

Student expectations within the program:

  1. Participate in monthly workshops and discussions (January-April) facilitated by experts
  2. Attend 2-3 virtual cultural events (from a suggested list or of their own choosing and with approval from the program lead)
  3. Contribute to a collection of virtual city tours led by students and alumni
  4. Write 2 blog posts based on their workshops and/or event attendance
  5. Complete a final project (with the aim of building cross-border understanding) of the student’s choosing, along the lines of (but not limited to):
    1. 1000-word policy brief on a current cross-border issue
    2. Multimedia project – 5-minute video or photo essay exploring an aspect of the region
    3. Podcast interview of regional expert/person of note
    4. Students may suggest their own project, subject to program approval

If you are interested in the virtual program, please apply here by December 20, 2021! Please note: This program is only open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Note: The University of Washington (UW) also offers several fully funded full-year exchange opportunities (see more about the $12,000.00 Corbett scholarship here) to UVic students each year. If you are interested in completing a year abroad at UW, apply for the ICS Exchange Program by February 1, 2022 for an exchange in the 2022-23 academic year!