Samuel S Hyams – Plot E11

(In Loving Memory?)


Samuel S Hyams

(Resident of ?)

London (Eng.?)


Oct 9 1894

Aged 53 Years


This stone has two individuals memorialized, Samuel S (Solomon) Hyams, and his son Solomon S (Samuel) Hyams. Parts of the inscription are not quite visible, though the two inscriptions being on the same monument indicate that they are likely very similar in lay out and wording. The differing in degredation between the two inscribed sides of the monument (East and South) is due to their positioning and the weathering.

Henry (Herman?) Morris

*Hebrew unkonwn*


——– ——- ——– ——-

           Aged 42 Years          


——— 1887 5647

This project is now in progress! In the meantime, here are some examples of how the angle and distance of the wireless flash can change the lighting of the stone monument during the photographic process.