Ideas Exchange


Ideas Exchange Events Schedule (2023-2024)

Location: Online via Zoom

Date/Time: Sept 21, Thursday, 1:30PM (PST)

Reading: Gold v. Crypto, 2014-2023

Presenter: Elizabeth Ferry


Location: Online via Zoom

Date/Time: Oct 19, Thurs, 1:30PM (PST)

Reading: TBA two weeks in advance.

Presenter: Gustav Peebles


Location: Online via Zoom

Date/Time: Nov 30, Thurs, 1:30 (PST)

Reading: TBA two weeks in advance.

Presenter: Emily Gilbert


Location: Online via Zoom

Date/Time: Jun 26, Monday, 5:00PM-6:30PM (PDT)

Reading: “Un-Making Graeber’s Fetishisms: Rethinking Person, Value and Social Creativity in Colonial “Dream Economies””.

Presenter: Chris Vasantkumar


Date/time: Jan 23, Monday. 9:00AM-10:30AM (PST)

Reading: Peebles, Gustav. 2011. The Euro and Its Rivals Currency and the Construction of a Transnational City. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Presenter: Gustav Peebles


Date/time: Feb 24, Friday. 9:00AM-10:30AM (PST)

Reading: Graeber, David. 1996. “Beads and money: notes toward a theory of wealth and power.” American Ethnologist. 23:4–24


Date/time: Mar 20, Monday. 9:00 AM- 10:30AM (PST)

Reading: Kanters, Coco. 2023. “Failing Forward: Creativity and Experimentation in the Alternative Economy” (Proof version to be published)

Presenter: Coco Kanters


Date/time: April 17, Monday, 9:00 AM- 10:30AM (PST)

Reading: Blacklock, Brayden. 2023. “The Gift and the Market: Alternative Economic Relations in the Comox Valley Local Exchange Trading System” (MA Thesis, University of Victoria)

Presenter: Brayden Blacklock