No CaBSSem This Week
No CaBSSem this week due to the Reading Break
Cognition & Brain Sciences Seminar
Department of Psychology, University of Victoria
Cognition & Brain Sciences Seminar
Department of Psychology, University of Victoria
No CaBSSem this week due to the Reading Break
Title: Subjects will learn your task however they damn well please -- Strategy use, non-stationarity, and task-impurity during Human (motor) learning
Title: A Longitudinal Study of Hindsight Bias Across the Lifespan.
Title: Grounded cognitions: A curriculum on the mind and brain for living in a neurodiverse society
Title: Active learning for computational models of cognition
Title: Gaze patterns reveal attention-based modulation of pattern separation in young and older adults
Title: The Hidden Risks of Elaborative Retrieval: Repeated Encoding Escalates Memory Conjunction Errors Following Unsuccessful Retrieval Practice
Title: The Effect of Gaze Reinstatement Precision on Memory
Title: Spatial Analysis of Resting-State fMRI Dynamics in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Reveals an Association Between the Long-memory Parameter and Medication in Cerebellar Regions
Title: What we learned about goal gradients and near-misses by studying Wordle
Title: Longitudinal Hindsight Bias
Title: Investigating Diagnostic Features in Prototype Category Learning Task: A Deep Learning Perspective