Published journal articles and book chapters by Dr. Catherine Costigan and the BRANCH Research team are listed below.
Student Contributions Underlined
Updated September 2022
Montiel, A. E., Quan, C., & Costigan, C. L. (2022) No man is an island: Conformity to traditional masculine norms and young men’s mental and relational health and well-being. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. Advance online publication.
Costigan, C. L. (2022). Factors within families and their ecological contexts that shape their health and well being: A Legacy Chapter. In J.J.W. Andrews, S. R. Shaw, J. F. Domene, & C. McMorris, Editors. Mental Health Assessment, Prevention, and Intervention: Promoting Child and Youth Well-Being. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-030-97207-3
Quan, C., Costigan, C. L., & Kobayashi, K. (2022). Ethnic and national identity development processes: The role of cultural behaviors and gender. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(1), 1 – 12.
Ortiz, D. L., & Costigan, C. L. (2022): Religious identity formation of Filipino Canadian youth: Exploring cluster differences in religiosity and mental health, The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 32, 150 – 170. DOI: 10.1080/10508619.2021.1952370
Costigan, C. L., Taknint, J. T., Mudryk, E., & Al Qudayri, B. (2022). Building community: Connecting refugee and Canadian families. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(3), 338 – 348.
Costigan, C. L., Woodin, E., Duerksen, K. & Ferguson, R. (2022). A qualitative study of the benefits and drawbacks of police integration onto Assertive Community Treatment teams. Psychiatric Services, 73(4), 447 – 566. DOI: 10.1176/
So, V. W., & Costigan, C. L. (2021). Met and unmet expectations for parental monitoring knowledge in Chinese Canadian children. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 12(2), 110 – 121.
Quan, C. & Costigan, C. L. (2020). At a loss for words: Responding to language barriers in mental health care. Psynopsis Issue 3, 32-33.
Chou, B., Yan, M., & Costigan, C. L. (2020). A primer on Chinese Canadian mental health and COVID-19 racism. BC Psychological Association, Vol 9, Issue 3, 8 – 11.
Costigan, C. L. (2020). Adopting community-based research principles to enhance student learning. Canadian Psychology, 61(2), 111–117.
Miao, S. W., Costigan, C. L., & MacDonald, S. W. S. (2018). Spillover of stress to Chinese Canadian immigrants’ parenting: Impact of acculturation and parent–child stressors. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 9(3), 190-199.
Gagné, M. H., Schonert-Reichl, K., Costigan, C. L., Guhn, M., & Shapkia, J. D. (2018). Factors predicting the stratified academic achievement trajectories of foreign-born Canadian adolescents: A population-based study. Applied Developmental Science, 23(3), 255-272.
Juang, L. P., Shen, Y., Costigan, C. L., & Hou, Y. (2018). Time-varying associations of racial discrimination and adjustment among Chinese-heritage adolescents in the United States and Canada. Developmental Psychopathology, 30(5), 1661-1678.
Rasmi, S., & Costigan, C. L. (2018). Comparing the acculturation goals for parents and adolescents in Chinese Canadian families. In S. S. Chuang, & C. Costigan (Eds.). Parental Roles and Relationships in Immigrant Families: An International Approach. New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media.
Chuang, S. S., Costigan, C. L. (Eds.) (2018). Parental Roles and Relationships in Immigrant Families: An International Approach. New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media.
Chuang, S. S., Costigan, C. L. (Eds.) (2018). Current Perspectives on Family Dynamics and Relationships: The Intersection of Culture and Immigration. In S. S. Chuang & C. L.Costigan (Eds.), Parental Roles and Relationships in Immigrant Families: An International Approach (pp. 1 – 8). New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media.
Costigan, C. L., Taknint, J. T., & Miao, S. (2017). Parenting and families in the United States and Canada. In N. J. Cabrera &. Leyendecker (Eds.). Handbook on Positive Development of Minority Children and Youth (pp. 157 – 173). Springer, Netherlands.
Costigan, C. L., & So, V. (2017). The Role of the Family in Supporting the Development of Youth with Immigrant Backgrounds. In S. Wilson-Forsberg & A. Robinson (Eds.), Immigrant Youth in Canada (pp. 84 – 104). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hua, J. & Costigan, C. L. (2017). Adolescent Language Brokering for Immigrant Chinese Parents in Canada. In R. S. Weisskirch (Ed.), Language brokering in immigrant families: Theories and contexts (pp. 137 – 160). New York, NY: Routledge/ Psychology Press/ Taylor and Francis Publishers.
Floyd, F., Costigan, C. L., & Richardson, S. (2016). Sibling Relationships in Adolescence and Early Adulthood with Individuals who have Intellectual Disability. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 121, 383-397.
Ferguson, G. M., Costigan, C. L., Clarke, C. V., & Ge, J. E. (2016). Introducing “Remote Enculturation”: Learning your Heritage Culture from Afar. Child Development Perspectives, 10(3), 166–171.
Costigan, C. L., Lehr, S., & Miao, S. (2016). Beyond Economics: Broadening Perspectives on Immigration to Canada. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 48(1), 19-44.
Chance, L. J., Costigan, C. L., & Leadbeater, B. J. (2013). Co-parenting in immigrant Chinese Canadian families: The role of discrepancies in acculturation and expectations for adolescent assistance. Journal of Family Psychology, 27, 905-914.
Hua, J. M., & Costigan, C. L. (2012). The familial context of adolescent language brokering within immigrant Chinese families in Canada. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41, 894-906.
Costigan, C. L., & Koryzma, C. M. (2011). Acculturation and adjustment among immigrant Chinese parents: Mediating role of parenting efficacy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58, 183-196.
Costigan, C. L. (2011). Embracing complexity in the study of acculturation gaps: Directions for future research. Human Development, 53, 341-349.
Wu, Z., Costigan, C. L., Hou, F., Kampen, R., & Schimmele, C. M. (2010). Change and Stability in Cohabitation and Children’s Educational Adjustment. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 41.
Costigan, C. L., Hua, J. M., & Su, T. F. (2010). Living up to expectations: The strengths and challenges experienced by Chinese Canadian students. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 25, 223-245.
Costigan, C. L., Koryzma, C. M., Hua, J. M., & Chance, L. J. (2010). Ethnic identity, achievement, and psychological adjustment: Examining risk and resilience among youth from immigrant Chinese families in Canada. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16, 264-278.