BUGS presents the biology student/professor mixer 2.0 on Thursday, Feb 27th, from 4:30-6pm in BWC A104. Free pizza will be provided. Come meet your profs for an informal mixer where you can chat about research, the department, and more!
BUGS – Biology Opportunities Mixer THURS Feb 6 4:30-6:30pm
Come find out about the opportunities available in biology during and after your undergraduate degree! Thursday February 6th, 4:30-6:30pm in Clearihue 224
FIRST 2020 BUGS MEETING TODAY (Jan 21) at 11:30am
Located in the Cunningham reading room across from the Biology Office on the second floor.
Happy Start of the Semester from BUGS!
BUGS is here to support all Biology Students at UVic and we’re excited to kick off this semester! Keep an eye out for our posts on Instagram, Facebook, CourseSpaces and in your lectures, we’ll start advertising the great events we’ve got planned soon! Weekly meeting times will be announced online and in the Cunningham study area.