An award is given to a continuing undergraduate student with a physical disability (or disabilities) for the enhancement of the student learning experience through travel, in support of research/creative activity and may include, but not be limited to, field schools, exhibitions, conferences or presentations.
The student’s disability (or disabilities) must be of a severity and degree to require a personal care worker to accompany the student when travelling. Preference is for students with a GPA of 6.0 or higher.
The online application will be open from January 10 until February 9th.
Students must submit:
- an essay of not less than 500 words and not more than 1000 words, outlining the educational benefits of travel, how travel will relate to the student’s studies, and what the student intends to learn from their travel;
- a letter of reference from a University of Victoria professor, demonstrating that the travel is related and beneficial to the student’s studies;
- a letter from a medical professional confirming that a personal care worker is needed to accompany the student when travelling; and
- a proposed budget for travel, including, but not limited to, estimated costs for travel, food, accommodation and accompaniment by a personal care worker. The student must provide ten percent (10%) of the approved budget.
Students enrolled for Summer Session (May to August) must apply via the online application in January; students enrolled for the Winter Session (September to April) must apply via the online application in April.
For any questions, please reach out to SAFA: