Upcoming prizes in the Libraries

Research Help Survey (5 x $20 OneCard credit)

Students who attend a Research Help appointment with a librarian will be sent a survey to provide feedback on their experience. Survey respondents will be entered to win one of five $20 OneCard credits.


Deadline: November 24, 2023

Podcast contest (2 x $500 cash prize)

The student podcast contest is intended to recognize and celebrate high-quality work being created by UVic students in the world of podcasting. Students of all disciplines and faculties may post one episode of up to 90 minutes in length. Two podcasts will win a $500 cash prize.


Submissions due: December 1, 2023

On the Verge Spoken Word and Writing contest (4 x $250 first prizes, 4 x $150 second prizes)

On the Verge writing and spoken word contest showcases and celebrates emerging UVic student voices under an annual theme of equity, diversity, and human rights. Students can submit pieces in one of four categories: poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and spoken word. A first and a second prize will be awarded for each category, and winning submissions will be published in UVicSpace.


Submissions due: February 16, 2024