STEM Faculty involvement in FECS Engagement Circles


October 2023 to April 2024

Truth and (Re)conciliation is a top priority for the University of Victoria, for Canadians, and Indigenous Peoples. Engineers and Professionals have a role to play in Truth and (Re)conciliation. The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science is conducting engagement sessions to determine what initiatives, programs, and events, supports and resources are needed to continue working on the UVic Indigenous Plan.

The Social Innovation Lab will take a diverse set of participants through 7 design sessions with a human centred approach to explore current state, future state, and ideate together to develop the Faculty’s Truth and (Re)conciliation strategy.

We would like to ensure that First Nations, Metis, or Inuit undergraduate and graduate students have a voice and a seat at the table. If you are interested in attending one or all the sessions, please submit an Expression of Interest through this google form. An honorarium will be provided.

We appreciate your consideration – if you have any questions or require further clarity, please contact Jessica Vandenberghe at