Ocean of data hackathon

On behalf of DeepSense,  ShiftKey Labs, and COVE, we wanted to reach out to share an opportunity about a FREE event open to post-secondary students across Canada. We are partnering with the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS), Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), and Ocean Startup Project to host the 7th Ocean of Data Challenge: Coast to Coast to Coast.

The Challenge kicks off on Wednesday, November 1st at 6pm ADT/ 5pm EST/ 2pm PT. Participants can work solo or in teams of up to five to submit their final idea in a video presentation format by November 20, 2023 at 11:59pm PT.  This Challenge is an opportunity for post-secondary students to use ocean data and explore how ocean data can improve the sustainability of our oceans and our communities as they answer the ultimate question: how can ocean data help us understand Canada’s ocean health, ocean economy, and ocean people? Submissions could be as simple as just a really insightful bar chart, a well-thought-out app idea, a detailed word cloud, or even use machine learning to build a prediction tool! Judges will watch the videos and choose a winner by Monday, November 27th. Judging will be based on the potential for sustainable impact, originality, and creativity! This challenge is a fantastic way to show off design, programming, data crunching, communication, or other skills. Not to mention more than $2,000 in prizes! Get more info and register today!