CPVMA Pre-Veterinary Symposium

My name is Ashley Howald, and I am the Vice President of Outreach for the Canadian Pre-Veterinary Medical Association (CPVMA). The CPVMA is a not-for-profit organization to unite those considering a career in veterinary medicine. We aim to create enduring connections between pre-veterinary students, undergraduate veterinary clubs, veterinary schools, veterinarians, and other veterinary professionals through innovative laboratories, workshops, educational seminars, and networking opportunities.

We are excited to announce that Canada’s second annual Pre-Veterinary Symposium will occur virtually from August 11th to 13th, 2023. The symposium’s theme will center on One Health & the Human-Animal Bond and will showcase 18 speakers from diverse fields. To view the current list of speakers, kindly refer to this link: https://cpvma.ca/our-guest-speakers-2023/.

This symposium will allow students in veterinary medicine to gain knowledge from leading experts in various fields of veterinary medicine, delve into the latest research and engage in meaningful discussions. The One Health theme is essential for students interested in veterinary medicine, as it recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. It also emphasizes the importance of disease prevention and control measures as it highlights the transmission of diseases between animals and humans. Veterinary medicine professionals play a significant role in detecting and monitoring diseases, providing valuable insights into potential human outbreaks. Additionally, they promote responsible animal agriculture practices and reduce the environmental impact of livestock production. Embracing One Health principles in veterinary medicine can improve public health and well-being.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could kindly share this information with your students. To access all three days of this event, there will be a cost of $10 CAD per person. For registration, please see this link: https://site.pheedloop.com/event/cpvma2023/register#category.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you,

Ashley Howald
Vice President – Outreach

The Canadian Pre-Veterinary Medical Association | L’Association des pré-médecins vétérinaires
Website: cpvma.ca
Email: cpvma.acpmv@gmail.com
Instagram: @cpvma.acpmv
Facebook: @cpvma.acpmv

Part-time research assistant position

Position: Research Assistant

Salary: $18 per hour
Hours: Part-time (approximately 8-10 hours per week)
Timeframe: August-October, with possibility of renewal
Location: Hybrid remote and in-person based at the University of Victoria

Job Summary:
The research assistant will be based at the Digital Health Lab within the School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education (University of Victoria). The research assistant will help conduct research studies focused on physical activity promotion and mobile health technology. Responsibilities include participant recruitment and data collection.

• Assist with participant recruitment (e.g. calling or emailing participants).
• Download and track research surveys and other data.
• Assist with mailing FitBit devices and other study materials to research participants. • Work with Research Lab Manager to ensure project is on track and meets the expected milestones, outputs, and deliverables.
• Coordinate documentation and communication for the research study. • Contribute to developing research protocols and standard operating protocols.
• Other responsibilities as required.
Qualifications: • Working toward or completed an undergraduate degree in a health science-related field (e.g., kinesiology, psychology, biology, medical science).
• Demonstrated high level of attention to detail (e.g., accurate data management).
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
• Functional knowledge of regulations relating to conducting research (e.g., research ethics, information security/confidentiality). • Ability to effectively use Excel, Teams, Word, and Zoom at an advanced level.
• Previous experience as a research assistant or with recruitment phone calls is an asset.

Please submit CV and cover letter by July 30, 2023 to:
Rebecca Jantzen
Research Lab Manager
Digital Health Lab

Anticipated start date: August 8, 2023

ICS Exchange Program – Spring 2024 Deadline

Have you considered adding an international exchange to your degree?

The UVic International Centre for Students Exchange Program allows you to study at one of our 70+ partner universities around the world while gaining UVic credits and paying UVic tuition fees!

Our next application deadline is August 1, 2023 for a Spring 2024 exchange.

Any questions? Reach out to us at goglobal@uvic.ca and we would be happy to discuss with you!

Research project participant recruitment

An invitation for research (below) is being sent on behalf of Jada Huang, and Miguel Nacenta. Your email has not been shared with them. Please email them if you are interested in participating in the study. Thank you.

Hi, I’m Jada Huang, a fourth-year Psychology and Computer Science student at the University of Victoria. My area of interest lies in the field of information request methods, such as surveys, questionnaires, and other similar forms. I am particularly interested in how individuals manage and respond to such requests. Understanding this process could lead to improvements in software and tools used by survey participants and creators. Developers might know the need of actual users and they may add new features to facilitate the needs.

Please note that some conditions apply to participation and that you will be screened before the experiment takes place.

You must be:
• An adult aged 19 years or older who uses computers
• Have completed or are enrolled in a minimum Bachelor’s degree
• Proficient in reading and understanding the English language
• Have experience answering or creating information requests such as surveys, questionnaires, etc.

You are being invited to participate in this research study. We would be delighted if you would be willing to: (A) Go through a screening process for participation, (B) Read the consent form, and (C) Complete the survey.

We estimate that this will take 20-25 minutes of your time. Please let us know if you would be willing to participate and any questions you might have for our study.

We will openly publish the results as a thesis and/or papers so everyone can benefit from them, all the information we are collecting will be anonymous. We will handle all the responses and data confidentially. This is a purely academic study.

Thank you for your interest!

Jada Huang and Miguel Nacenta, University of Victoria
Email: jadahuang@uvic.ca, nacenta@uvic.ca