Rhodes Scholarship – virtual info session

Rhodes Scholarship – VIRTUAL INFO SESSION

Rhodes Scholarships support students for graduate programs at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom (typically a 1-year or 2-year master’s although in some cases a second undergraduate or a 3-year doctoral program may eligible).  The scholarship includes course fees, two economy class flights for the beginning and end of studies in Oxford, a settling in allowance, and an annual stipend.  Eleven scholarships are allocated for Canada each year.  This opportunity is open to domestic students with a minimum GPA of 8.0 who meet additional requirements and selection criteria set by the Rhodes Trust.  Read about UVic’s newest Rhodes Scholar and Rhodes alumni from around the world.

Interested students are invited to attend a virtual information session hosted by the Rhodes Trust:

Wednesday, March 29 12:00pm to 1:00pm or Wednesday, May 24 10:00am to 11:00am

To register for the information session and for more information please contact:

Lisa Pender, Scholarship Officer, Faculty of Graduate Studies at fgsaward2@uvic.ca

Important notes:  Applicants must follow a 2-step application process with a UVic internal deadline in summer and a Rhodes external deadline in fall.  Application instructions specific to UVic students – as well as confirmed internal and external deadlines – will be available in late spring.

Indigenous Undergrad Summer Research Assistant in Forest Biology

Indigenous Undergraduate Summer Research Assistant in the UVic Centre for Forest Biology

Self-identified Indigenous students are invited to apply for an exciting opportunity to get research experience on plants in the Centre for Forest Biology. One research position (full time or part-time) is available to an Indigenous student (First Nations, Metis, Inuit, or from outside Canada, e.g. North, Central, and South America, Pacific islands) currently registered at the University of Victoria and studying for a Bachelor of Science. The job will involve either field studies or lab studies (see projects below). Training to achieve Biosafety and WHMIS certification will also be provided. A cover letter highlighting Indigenous ancestry and any previous research experience is requested. No experience in biological lab or fieldwork is required. Please indicate your first and second choice for your summer project.

Projects available for selection (Principal Investigator in brackets):

  1. Seed biology and plant reproduction (Patrick von Aderkas)
  2. Tree nutrition and drought tolerance (Barbara Hawkins)
  3. Generation and analysis of transgenic plants with modified phenolic metabolism (Peter Constabel)
  4. Evolution of wood formation in land plants (Jürgen Ehlting)
  5. Douglas-fir resilience to expanding fungal diseases (Jürgen Ehlting)

Full-time pay is $9,000 dollars for 16 weeks, beginning early May 2023

Please direct your enquiries or send a resumé and your cover letter to the Acting Director, Patrick von Aderkas at forbdirector@uvic.ca and copy forestbiology@uvic.ca or call 250 721 8925 (office and voicemail). You can also ask questions about the project and how to apply to the principal investigator directly (see Forest Biology website https://www.uvic.ca/research/centres/forestbiology/people/members/index.php).