The Barriers Canadian University Students Experience When Accessing Mental Healthcare
Research Volunteers Needed
Researchers from the Department of Health, Aging, and Society at McMaster University are looking for volunteers who are current undergraduate students at any Canadian university who would like to share about their mental health throughout their undergraduate career.
You would be asked to fill out a 10–15-minute survey asking personal questions regarding your mental health, experience using mental health resources through the university (if at all), and any barriers you may have experienced in caring for your mental well-being. You will also be asked some demographic questions (i.e., to identify your age, race, gender, etc.). The study will take place through the online platform, Lime Survey.
You can access the survey by clicking on the following link:
You will be presented with a Letter of Information followed by a consent button before the survey begins. For the full details of the study, please click on the link above!
For more information about this study please contact:
Florencia Saposnik – Student Principal Investigator
Department of Health, Aging, and Society
This study has been reviewed by and received ethics clearance from the McMaster Research Ethics Board.