IMPAC5 Call-for-Applications: Coastal Connections Pre-congress Programming

Are you hoping to attend IMPAC5 in Vancouver in February?

IMPAC5 has recently released an exciting call-for-applications for international youth ages 18-35 to participate in IMPAC5’s youth pre-congress and congress-based program. Ocean Wise is pleased to be leading the program, Coastal Connections, in coordination with the Government of Canada’s IMPAC5 team.  

Here are the program overviews for indigenous  and non- indigenous applicants and here’s the application page for youth to apply to.

In short, Coastal Connections offers pre-congress and congress-based programming for youth and young professionals. Youth can apply for multiple connections including virtual training, in-person team building, and an intergenerational knowledge exchange/mentorship program.  

We’re particularly looking to reach Indigenous and Northern youth, and there is a limited amount of funding to cover their accommodation, transportation, and registration to the Congress. Indigenous youth will be prioritized for this funding. It will be an extraordinary experience for a young person to accelerate their personal and professional development at IMPAC5.  

The application deadline is Nov 14th.