UVic Global Medical Brigades

Use your education to make a difference!

Global Brigades is the largest student-led nonprofit organization. We work towards resolving health and economic disparities in our partner communities in Central America, Africa and Greece. We do this by sending groups of students on brigades to partner communities to aid our teams in-country with implementation of mobile medical clinics, water system design and construction, economic development workshops and much more.

The Global Brigades Club at UVic has a very big presence on campus and has sent 47 brigades to Central America. We currently have medical/dental, engineering and business chapters at UVic.

Our Medical Brigades help with a mobile medical clinic where students get to shadow doctors, dermatologists, dentists, optometrists and interact with patients in an experiential learning experience like few others. Brigaders spend time leading up to brigade learning skills they will need when they are in-country including taking vitals and medical spanish.

If you would like to learn more please checkout our website uvicglobalbrigades.com and our instagram page @uvicglobalbrigades.

Mock MMIs at UVic Career Services

UVic Career Services is offering our annual Mock MMIs (Mock Multiple Mini Interviews) over Zoom this coming January and February for 3rd and 4th year students and alumni who have been invited to interview for medical schools, physiotherapy and other health related programs that use the MMI format for assessing applicants.

UVic Career Services Mock MMIs (Mock Multiple Mini Interviews):

  • The sessions include taking part in interview scenarios and receiving feedback/coaching
  • Students and Alumni need to have received a letter/email inviting them to an MMI style interview to be eligible to participate
  • Our group Mock MMIs will be held on Zoom on Fri Jan 14th, Fri Jan 28th, Fri Feb 25th
  • There are no charges for these sessions

To register for a Mock MMI, please contact Blenda, Career Assistant, UVic Career Services: careers@uvic.ca.