PharmD Program at UBC

Admission updates for the September 2021 intake to the Entry-to-Practice PharmD:

  • English requirement: applicants must present two semesters of university English composition, literature, communication and/or writing courses at any year level (for which UBC awards transfer credit). The courses do not need to transfer as English transfer credit to UBC. This replaces the previous English requirement of applicants present one semester of first-year English writing or composition (for which UBC awards English transfer credit) and one semester of English at any year level (for which UBC awards English transfer credit).

Upcoming Information Sessions:

  • March 30, 6 – 8 p.m.: PharmD Information Session and Student Panel

You are invited to learn about PharmD and your path to admission to our program. Following the information session, you can have your questions answered from current PharmD students.

Register here.

  • April 7, 6 – 8 p.m.: PharmD Information Session and Student Panel

You are invited to learn about PharmD and your path to admission to our program. Following the information session, you can have your questions answered from current PharmD students.

Register here.