Summer Employment with Bullfrog Control Program

The Bullfrog Control Program will continue in 2020 in the Western Communities and is currently looking to fill several positions for fieldwork technicians.  Work term is from late-April to late-September, possibly into early October.  Must be available five nights per week for 4 hours per night beginning at dusk.  However, work is weather-dependent, e.g. cannot work in high wind or rain.

  • Proficiency in the English language
  • Valid BC Driver’s licence and clean driving record
  • Physically fit for rowing, often in rigorous conditions, as well as wielding the electro-frogger pole with sufficient ease as to avoid repetitive stress issues while maintaining their balance in the boat
  • Professional interest in biological fieldwork, herpetology, invasive species, conservation biology, etc
  • Rower: Superior abilities at rowing an inflatable boat backwards, manoeuvring it through aquatic vegetation, intuitively understanding where the back of the boat needs to be relative to the target bullfrog and for the person at the back of the boat to properly operate the electro-frogger, must hold a fixed position during captures, must be able to quickly improvise solutions in positioning and holding the position of the boat to benefit the crew partner. Amphibian identification skills.
  • Electro-frogger Operator: Superior balance and agility while sometimes working from a standing position. Good upper body strength including arms and shoulders for wielding the 7 foot electro-frogger pole, often through obstructive and weighty vegetation.       Occasionally leaving the boat to retrieve bullfrogs located out of the water. Excellent eyesight for spotting bullfrog eye reflections.       Amphibian identification skills.

Applicants should contact Stan Orchard for an interview. Inc.
69A Burnside Road West
Victoria, British Columbia
250-858-3764 (FROG)

MSc in Potato Transcriptomics – University of Lethbridge

M.Sc. Student Position Available in potato transcriptomics

A M.Sc. position is available in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, to study physiological aging in potato tubers. This project aims to uncover genetic factors affecting loss of apical dominance and sprouting in potato cultivars important to industry. The study will focus on transcriptome analyses and identification of genes associated with the onset of dormancy release and loss of apical dominance. The ideal candidate should have knowledge of molecular biology and plant science, with good academic standing. Experience in use of bioinformatics and statistical software packages, as well as in potato cultivation and agronomy, will be beneficial. Interested students are encouraged to send a CV, unofficial university transcripts, and a brief statement of research interests to Dr. Dmytro Yevtushenko ( Applicants should have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 (based on the uLethbridge 4.00 scale) on their last 20 university-level courses. Applicants with a GPA of 3.5 are considered for the SGS Tuition Scholarship, which fully covers tuition fees. International applicants must provide acceptable evidence of English Language Proficiency (ELP) for graduate students. Please find information on the application procedure at