The UVic Women in Science (WIS) initiative is to foster a supportive and engaging environment to establish a network for women who are currently involved or interested in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. We are hosting our third annual STEM Research Symposium on November 28th in the Medical Sciences Bldg, Rm 160. This symposium aims to connect females from different areas of research at UVic and within the community in an effort to highlight their contributions to these fields. During this event we will host a poster session accompanied by short oral presentations given by graduate and undergraduate students. This event will also feature keynote presentations and panel discussions composed of women from diverse fields and stages of their careers. Graduate and undergraduate students involved in research are encouraged to present either a pecha kucha style oral or poster presentation on their current research. Registration forms are available on our website:
Registration is free! And we will cover the cost of printing a poster if submitted to by November 15th.
Chloe Christensen,
on behalf of the UVic Women in Science Team