Invitation to Participate in the AVP Academic Planning Search Process

Dear Students,

On behalf of the Search Committee for the Associate Vice-President Academic Planning (“the Committee”), I am writing to inform you of the next steps in the search process. The Committee has crafted a position profile in consultation with constituency groups, completed six long list video-conference interviews, and, selected three candidates to participate in site visits over the coming weeks. The site visits are scheduled to take place on:

Candidate A: September 26-27

Candidate B: September 30-October 1

Candidate C: October 3-4

During the site visits, the three short-listed Candidates have been asked to do a public presentation on the following question:

How do you see the role of AVP Academic Planning contributing to the Strategic Framework of the University? What do you see as some of the future opportunities for the role and UVic?

The presentations have been scheduled at the following times and dates:

Candidate A: September 26, 12:00 pm – 12:50 pm in Medical Sciences Building (MSB) 160

Candidate B: September 30, 1:00 pm – 1:50 pm in University Club Salal Room

Candidate C: October 3, 12:15 pm – 1:05 pm in Medical Sciences Building (MSB) 160

The Committee encourages all members of the campus community to attend the public presentations and provide feedback to the Committee. We acknowledge that September 30th is Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the Jewish New Year and the first of the Jewish High Holy Days. All presentations will be recorded and uploaded to the VPAC site for those who are unable to attend in person. You will also find the finalized position profile on the VPAC site (, and CVs for each candidate will be uploaded a few days prior to each scheduled site visit. You will need to log in with your netlink ID.

The policy and procedures for the Associate Vice-President Academic Planning role may be viewed at

Thank you for your participation and engagement in this process.


Valerie S. Kuehne, Ph.D.
Vice-President Academic and Provost & Chair of the Appointment and Re-appointment Committee
University of Victoria