$1000 Bursary for Student in Marine Studies
You’re invited to Shawn Stebbins’ Seminar and Reception – March 22
This Friday’s Biology Seminar (March 22) will be presented by Mr. Shawn Stebbins, President and CEO of Archipelago Marine Research and recipient of the 2019 Science Distinguished Alumni Award.
Shawn grew up on a small farm in southern Alberta, moving to the coast immediately after high school graduation to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Victoria. He was instantly hooked on the west coast. Starting in his second year, Shawn began to pursue a career in fisheries biology through summer work-terms. Forty years later, Shawn is the President and CEO of Archipelago Marine Research. His career, working with commercial fisheries to improve resource sustainability through effective monitoring and management, spans over three decades. He has helped to implement ground-breaking resource-management initiatives, including British Columbia’s world-class groundfish fisheries monitoring program—considered to be among the most progressive and effective in the world.
We are very much looking forward to Shawn’s visit, and we hope interested undergrads will join us for the seminar, and for light refreshments and conversation at a reception with Shawn, from 4:30pm-5:30pm, following the seminar.
See poster for details.
Looking for a BIOL Tutor?
Creating Connections 6.0
Creating Connections 6.0 is a biennial diversity conference on attracting, engaging, and retaining women and underrepresented groups in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The conference welcomes STEM professionals, academics, and students of all genders and backgrounds for two days of personal and professional development, networking, and inspiration. Creating Connections is hosted by Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology (WWEST), the operating name of the current NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for the BC/Yukon Region held by Professor Lesley Shannon of Simon Fraser University.
Registration is open and early bird pricing is $55–135 until March 31. The organizers are also offering on-site childcare and travel bursaries for attendees in BC and Yukon. Please visit their website at wwest.ca/cconnect6 for more information about the program, keynotes, and volunteer opportunities.
Creating Connections 6.0 Conference
Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel Vancouver, British Columbia May 3–4, 2019 |
UVic Global Community Programs
Dear UVic Students,
We have an exciting volunteer opportunity to share with you that allows you to connect globally, right here at UVic.
International Student Services is recruiting volunteers for the UVic Global Community Programs. We are currently looking for Global Community (GC) Conversation Partners and Global Community (GC) Mentors. These are both fantastic programs that help you to build leadership skills and develop intercultural intelligence, all while making an important impact on campus.
GC Conversation Partners volunteer to provide students, who have English as an additional language, with opportunities to practice and improve their conversational English skills. Volunteers meet up with students weekly to practice conversation all while building global relationships. Click here for more information.
GC Mentors volunteer to offer friendship and guidance for students as they navigate their social and academic transition to UVic and Canada. Volunteers organize meetups weekly to help students who are interested in intercultural connections get involved with our community. Click here for more information.
To volunteer for Fall 2019 apply now by clicking here!
Benefits of being a Global Community volunteer:
- Offer support and friendship to students
- Promote cross-cultural understanding and awareness on campus
- Broaden your own global perspectives while helping others
- Develop cross-cultural competencies and leadership skills
- Receive a letter of recognition and future references (for employment, professional/graduate school applications)
- Build your UVic Co-Curricular Record (CCR): a University-validated record of volunteer engagementWe look forward to your applications! If you have any questions about the UVic Global Community, please contact Cecilia Rose & Sara Mosher-Mandel, Global Community Advisers, at
Cecilia Rose & Sara Mosher-Mandel
Global Community Advisers, International Student Services
International Commons | McPherson Library 151a
250-721-8270| gcmentor@uvic.ca | www.uvic.ca/globalcommunity
WANTED: Entomology Field Assistant
We are looking for a local field assistant to work collaboratively as a part of a team examining insect-host parasitoid interactions in oak gall-wasp communities in western oak savanna ecosystems. The assistant will be responsible for assisting with sampling oak galls on Garry oak trees (Quercus garryana) on Vancouver Island (sites in Victoria, Sooke, the Cowichan Valley, and Nanaimo), British Columbia with 1-2 trips to Olympia Washington. This project is part of a larger project examining gall-wasp-parasitoid interactions along the range of Q. garryana (funded by the National Geographic Society).
Duties will involve daily travel to and from field sites, collecting oak gall-wasps from trees, sorting and rearing galls and gall emergents, collecting other spatial and environmental data at sites, and data entry and processing. Given the nature of conducting time-sensitive surveys in the field, and the logistics of traveling to several regions, the work schedule needs to be somewhat flexible, and work hours will depend on when tasks need to be completed and on weather conditions. Thus, the candidate should be able to work somewhat flexible hours (i.e., maybe on a Saturday). The candidate needs to like to spend time outdoors, be comfortable hiking long distances on hilly terrain, be able to travel considerable distances in a vehicle, be willing to camp for several nights at a time (in Olympia, WA), to work well in a team, and to maintain a positive disposition under field conditions.
Qualifications: 1) A Bachelor’s degree (or working towards) in biology, ecology & evolution, entomology, or a related field. 2) Previous lab or field research experience. 3) Have an interest in ecology & evolution, botany, or entomology. 4) Be mature, responsible, flexible, dedicated, and motivated. 5) Be able to work well as a part of a team and to live and work well with others. 6) Be able to hike long distances and in hilly terrain. 8) Must have a driver’s license and a passport.
The field technician must have their own housing around the Victoria area. Ideal work dates from the early June to early August, dates are somewhat flexible.
To apply send (1) a cover letter explaining why you are interested in the position and list your relevant qualifications; (2) a CV or resume; (3) the names and contact information (email and phone number) for three references. Email the document as a single PDF file (file name should include your last name) to Kirsten Prior (kprior@binghamton.edu) with “Vancouver Island_field assistant position” in the subject line. We will begin reviewing applicants immediately. Please apply by March 31st for full consideration.