Equipment Manager/Science Stores Clerk
Location: Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre
Equipment Manager/Science Stores Clerk
Temporary, Full time position, April – September, 2018
BMSC is seeking an Equipment Manager/Stores Clerk who will be responsible for preparing equipment and supplies for our university courses and management of science stores; see details below.
The Position:
Start/end dates are flexible, but ideally between April 15 – September 7, 2018. The Equipment Manager/Science Stores Clerk is expected to work a regular schedule of 8:30-4:30, Monday to Friday, and may be asked to work occasional weekends. BMSC will provide free, on-campus accommodation with cooking facilities. The successful applicant will work in an international community of marine scientists, with frequent opportunities to interact with researchers, instructors and students, to network, and attend seminars.
Wage: $15/hour.
The Equipment Manager/Science Stores Clerk reports to the Education Facilitator, Nic Wiewel.
Duties include:
- Preparing equipment and supplies for BMSC’s university courses
- Managing science stores (order, receive and sell supplies)
- Maintaining and repairing teaching equipment
- Signing teaching equipment in and out of the inventory
- Ordering teaching equipment and supplies
- Updating the inventory of teaching equipment
- Overseeing use of a small student workshop
- Helping maintain safety kits and safety field packs
- Assisting with orientation of new students and instructors
- Documenting and updating procedures
- Transporting classes to field sites by boat and/or vehicle (if qualified)
- SCUBA diving for scientific purposes (if qualified)
- Other related duties as requested by the University Programs Assistant Coordinator
Qualifications/competencies required:
- A strong service orientation
- Flexibility and willingness to work cooperatively as part of a team
- Familiarity with basic science equipment and supplies
- Mechanical skills (good at fixing things)
- Planning, organizing and coordinating skills
- Strong written and oral communication skills
- Competency with common computer software including: Word, Excel and Power Point.
- Willingness to reside in a remote community for the summer
Qualifications/competencies desired:
- Familiarity with BMSC (worked or studied here in the past)
- Valid Driver’s license (Class IV not necessary, but desired)
- Pleasure Craft Operator’s Certificate (PCOC) or Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP) Certification and experience operating boats
Please contact us if you have questions or are interested in this opportunity.
Review of applications will begin February 13th, and continue until the position is filled. Please apply by e-mail and include a cover letter, resume, and contact information for two references.
Apply to:
Nicolas Wiewel (
Education Facilitator