by SandyG | Jun 10, 2020
Wow! Can’t believe it’s been a year already! I am currently working a small contract at North Saanich Middle School. It’s a really inclusive school with an amazing staff. I have also been TOCing with SD61 and 63. I have had so much fun meeting a variety of different...
by SandyG | Jun 19, 2019
I graduated in May 2018 and subbed in Saanich School District for the remainder of the school year. I was luckily enough to be rewarded with a contract during the second week of the 2018/2019 school year at Royal Oak Middle school, where I taught science to grade 6...
by SandyG | Jan 29, 2019
After completing my two week practicum at Oak Bay Secondary School and my final practicum at Royal Bay Secondary School and becoming a graduate of the class of 2017, I applied to the Sooke School District TTOC list. I was accepted and subbed a few days before summer...
by SandyG | Apr 19, 2018
I have been very fortunate to have had full time work right after graduating teaching senior sciences and PE in small communities around BC. I have found a home in Oliver as the Biology and PE teacher at South Okanagan Secondary School.
by SandyG | May 18, 2016
After completing my practicum in 2013, I attained a temporary contract at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary. I continued TOCing and covering temporary contracts there until the end of the 2015 school year. September 2015, with the realization that Victoria is truly where...