Tom Larisch

Tom Larisch

I am working for my 11th year at Carson Graham Secondary –teaching PE, PE Conditioning, Athletic Director, and Rugby & Wrestling Coach. Since writing this update I have moved to Collingwood School in West Vancouver, where I am teaching Physical Education and...
Chris Lubinich

Chris Lubinich

I started my teaching career at Victoria High School teaching English, co-running the Leadership program, and coaching the boys and girls soccer teams. Since Vic High, I have been at several other local schools. As of fall 2017, I am teaching at Spectrum Community...
Jonny Lee

Jonny Lee

I am teaching Grade 6 at Aberdeen Hall in Kelowna, and coaching senior girls volleyball. I am also working on my masters degree in Educational Leadership and Policy at UBC-Okanagan. As of September 2016, I will be teaching at Matthew Hall School in London,...
Roxie Lewin

Roxie Lewin

Since graduating from the PE program at UVic in 2012, I have been teaching in Shenzhen, China (associated with the Richmond School District). This is a picture of me in the Philippines during school vacation. Update 2018: I am teaching at Steveston – London...
Samantha Lees

Samantha Lees

I am currently living in Vancouver and working as a TOC in the North Vancouver school district. I will begin a full-time contract for the 2014-2015 school year at Collingwood School in West Vancouver. I am still playing lots of soccer and hanging with my gorgeous...