Nathan Stewart

Nathan Stewart

Where am I now? While I am still living in Victoria but not working for a school district or a private school. I took a different route and decided to use my education degree to go into government. I am currently working as a training coordinator for Forest, Lands,...
Derrick Norton

Derrick Norton

After completing the B.Ed program at UVIC I was luckily enough to find myself on the SD 61 sub list. I worked at many different school over the 2016-2017 school year landing some medical coverage’s along the way keeping me at schools for weeks at a time. After...
Elliot Peacock

Elliot Peacock

When I graduated from U Vic in June 2016 I was half way through my recovery of a fully ruptured achilles. Unfortunately it decided to give out in the middle of my practicum making things quite interesting. I managed to continue and it was quite the learning...
Benjamin Brooks

Benjamin Brooks

I received a Bachelor of  Education from the University of Victoria where I completed my practicum at Mount Douglas Secondary School. When I finished my practicum I was fortunate enough to land a full time Senior Social Studies and Physical Education position at...
Mikaela McManus

Mikaela McManus

After completing my final practicum at G.W. Graham Middle-Secondary in Chilliwack in 2016 I was hired as a TTOC in the Saanich school district. Since then I’ve worked predominantly at the middle school level which has been a great experience although I’m always...