by SandyG | Feb 22, 2018
After graduating from the B.Ed program, I completed my practicum at Mount Doug where I made great connections and was able to teach my first eligible day after my practicum! I haven’t stopped since…. Since graduating I have worked every day. What a great...
by SandyG | Feb 15, 2018
After completing my practicum at Reynolds Secondary I got hired as a TTOC in the Greater Victoria School District. I TOC’d there for May, June and September 2017. In October, I ended up moving to Newcastle and landed a TOC position there. Teaching in England was a...
by SandyG | Jan 22, 2018
It is crazy to think that 7 short months ago I was graduating university. I have seen such a transition in my life from being a student the last 17 years to being a teacher working in a district where at the beginning of pro year didn’t think was a possibility. ...
by SandyG | Jun 27, 2017
Class of 2017 Back Row (L-R): Alex Kelsch, Ryan Davidson, Casey Parsons, Alex McLeod, Alex Johnston Middle Row (L-R): Curtis Pereverzoff, Ruby Walser, Cole Dagg, Niki Lukat, Steven Foster, Aaron Witzke, James Willis, Eric Summers, Danica Robirtis, Tyler Verde, Sean...