Amanda Giese

Amanda Giese

I am living in Victoria and working at Claremont Secondary School in the Saanich School District. I started off teaching PE and Social Studies and within the last 8 years my position now includes: counsellor, behaviour support teacher, and international student...
Brianne Caldwell

Brianne Caldwell

I have been happily teaching PE at Fraser Heights Secondary in Surrey for seven years. I developed and all-girls fitness program for grades 10-12, so I am able to teach all the girls classes (yay!), senior PE and have been sharing the Athletic Director position for...
Todd Bergeron

Todd Bergeron

I have been working a Cedar Hill in Victoria as a full time continuing teacher since the fall of 2004. I started teaching French Immersion, PE and Math. Four years ago I switched to the English track and have been really enjoying it. Here’s a picture of our Welcome...
Natasha Lerch

Natasha Lerch

At present I am the Physical Education/Athletics learning leader at a middle school in Calgary. I am currently completing my M Ed and will be graduated in June 2014! Although I left the west coast I have been able to return every March when I take a group of grade 9...
Tanya Larkin (Berg) & Dawn Berg

Tanya Larkin (Berg) & Dawn Berg

This is a picture of Tanya and Dawn at WestShore Centre (SD 62). Currently Dawn and I are taking additional UBC courses working toward our librarianship certificate and finishing our masters next year. We share a grade 11 alternative group cohort. I also teach online...