Niki Lukat

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The only thing better than doing a P.E. degree, is getting to actually be a teacher when you’re done! After I graduated from UVIC, I got hired at Victoria High School right away with a part time continuing contract and I’ve been there ever since!  I am holding out hope, that I’ll get to teach PE some time soon, but have been lucky to have work teaching Hair Design in their career preparation program (I was a hairstylist before going back to university). It has been an amazing experience getting to teach a trade to some pretty unique and motivated students. Aside from Hair Design, I have taught a real mixed bag of other classes including, Social Studies, Leadership, Career Life, Work Experience, Psychology, Geography and ELL, the list goes on. The great thing about teaching such a variety of courses is all the awesome students I meet. Students are by far the best part of job! 


Posted on

November 16, 2020

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