Lisa Manzini


I am an elementary PE specialist and regional trainer for Action Schools BC in Squamish BC. I enjoy hiking, telemark skiing, and mountain biking with my family. I have spearheaded a successful elementary Mountain Bike Series in SD #48, Pedal to the Metal, which has over 125 participants in grades 3-7.

In 2011-2013, I attended VIU and completed a diploma in Innovative Educational Leadership and went on to complete a Master of Education in Leadership. While writing my thesis, “Connections through Physical Literacy: Teaching Fundamental Movement Skills to Early Primary Students with Cross-Age Tutors,” and handbook, I was fortunate enough to be mentored by Dr. Roy Shephard (Trois Riviere study). My handbook is being revised and will hopefully become an Action Schools BC resource.


Posted on

January 28, 2015

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