Hayley Francois

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After completing my final practicum at Oak Bay High School I was hired as a TTOC with SD61 to finish off the school year. In the following fall, I was able to land a full-time contract at Oak Bay teaching English, which has kept me more busy than ever! In between teaching, I have been taking my role as an educator to a variety of coaching areas. Staying 110% busy is the only way I know how to live apparently…but I’ve still managed to have fun in between!
After surviving an eventful first year of teaching and ending it off in a pandemic teaching online, I am feeling well prepared for whatever is to come down the road. After numerous travel plans were cancelled due to Covid, I am also hoping to get back exploring again soon (as I’m sure we all are). Until then, I’m learning from and rolling with the punches!
December 2020 update: I am living at and teaching at Shawnigan Lake!

Posted on

June 12, 2020

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