When I graduated from U Vic in June 2016 I was half way through my recovery of a fully ruptured achilles. Unfortunately it decided to give out in the middle of my practicum making things quite interesting. I managed to continue and it was quite the learning experience. Since the day I hobbled across the stage at the graduation ceremony things have gone much better. I was lucky to be hired as a teacher teaching on call (TTOC) in Sooke in late October and had the opportunity to visit many of the schools in the district including the fancy new Royal Bay and Belmont secondary. I have benefited from even further luck as I was able to land my first continuing contract at Belmont teaching Science & Technology 11 and coaching rugby. Sooke is a great district to work in, there are many great teachers and opportunities for new teachers hungry to work. I am currently considering returning to UVic to peruse a master’s degree in coaching studies. See you at McKinnon soon!! Finished up my master’s in coaching studies (2024).
Elliot Peacock
2016, Class 2015-16, P
Yeah, Mr Peacock it’s great having you as a coach!
Amazing I hope you reach your goal!