Danica Robirtis

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After completing my two week practicum at Oak Bay Secondary School and my final practicum at Royal Bay Secondary School and becoming a graduate of the class of 2017, I applied to the Sooke School District TTOC list. I was accepted and subbed a few days before summer break. In September, 2017 I applied and was accepted for a contract at Edward Milne Community School in Sooke. I taught Women’s Active Living and TTOC’d (mostly in house). In the second semester, January 2018 I applied for two other postings and was awarded a 0.75 FTE in Active Living, Planning 10 and PE 11/12.
This year I applied and got another contract at Edward Milne teaching Active Living, PE 9/10 and Sports Performance Basketball…. yes you read it correctly – basketball class! If anyone knows me well, they know that basketball has been a passion of mine since my early childhood days. It has been the best experience I could possible imagine and could ever hope for. The staff at Edward Milne treat each other like family and it has been a blessing to be apart of such a close knit group. The students and the Sooke community are equally as close and it has been the most rewarding experience thus far. That is the benefit of being apart of a small community – you get to know everyone on a deeper and more personal level, which in turn builds and creates a foundation of special connections and relationships, etc. I am excited to see where my journey/teaching career takes me next. I am hoping to continue at Edward Milne but for now I am enjoying the ride…day by day.
Shout out to my fellow grads! It is so cool to see all of you doing so well and enjoying the profession as much as I am 🙂 Best of luck in the future!

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January 29, 2019

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